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What is a DLL File?

What is a DLL File?

For Windows OS, DLL is the one that offers most of the OS functionality. Besides, the dynamic link library provides much of the program functionality if a program runs on any Windows OS. For instance, a few programs can contain different modules. Every program’s module is contained and distributed in dynamic link libraries.  It can promote modularization of code, code reuse, efficient memory usage, and reduced disk space. As a result, the OS and programs can load & run quickly. Besides, these consume less disk space on the PC. Now, let’s know what is a DLL file is. How to open it?

What is a DLL File?

DLL is the shortened name of Dynamic Link Library. It is a type of file with instructions that other programs can call upon to do specific things.

For instance, many programs can all call upon the veryuseful.dll for finding the free space on a hard drive, finding a file in a specific directory, and printing a test page to the default printer. But you can not run these directly, unlike executable programs.

However, other code running already can call upon it. These are in the same format as EXEs. A few users even use the .EXE format. In most cases, the Dynamic Link Libraries end with .DLL while others use .OCX, .CPL, or .DRV.

More information about DLL Files:

The term “dynamic” in Dynamic Link Library is used while you put the data to use in a program. In this case, the program actively calls for it rather than keeping it in memory forever.

Plenty of these come preloaded in windows. However, third-party programs can also install these. But people don’t usually open it as they don’t need to edit. Besides, if you do so, it may create problems with programs. So, if you know what you are doing, follow Resource Hacker in this case.

A program can separate its components into unique modules using them. You can add the modules or remove them to include or exclude specific functionalities.

If the software works this way, the program will consume less memory. The reason is that the program does not have to load all at once.

You can also update parts of a program without rebuilding or reinstalling the complete program. You will get more benefits when a program uses a dynamic link library. The reason is that all apps can get the benefits of the update from that single one. ActiveX Controls, Control Panel files, and device drivers are a few names used by Windows as Dynamic Link Libraries. These use the OCX, CPL, and DRV extensions.

A dynamic link library uses instructions from another one. Thus, the first one becomes dependent on the second one. As a result, its functionalities can break more easily. If the second one experiences any problem, it could affect the first one. Once you update a dependent dynamic link library to a newer version, overwrite it with an older version, or remove it from your PC, the program (depending on the dynamic link library) may stop working.

Resource dynamic link libraries are data files in a similar format but use the ICL, FON, and FOT extensions. ICL types are icon libraries, while FONT and FOT types are font ones. This list will let you know about it.

ActiveX Controls (.ocx): This calendar control is an instance of an ActiveX control. It enables you to choose data from a calendar.

Control Panel (.cpl): This one is available in the Control Panel. Every item is a specialized dynamic link library.

Device driver (.drv): It is a printer driver that can control a printer’s printing.

DLL advantages:

These are the benefits it can provide.

Uses Fewer Resources:

Most programs use the same library of functions. However, it can decrease the duplication of code loaded on your disk and in physical memory. Besides, it helps to influence the performance of programs running in the background and the Windows OS.

Promotes modular architecture:

It helps promote the development of modular programs. Besides, you can develop extensive programs that need many language versions or a program that needs modular architecture. For example, an accounting program is an instance of a modular program. The accounting program comes with multiple modules which can be dynamically loaded at run time.

Makes deployment and installation simple:

If a function requires an update, you don’t need to relink the program with a dynamic link library for the deployment and installation. In addition, many programs will benefit from the update using a similar dynamic link library. You can encounter the error more often using a third-party dynamic link library.

DLL troubleshooting tools:

Many tools can fix these problems. We have given the names of these tools:-

Dependency Walker:

This tool can scan for all dependent dynamic link libraries a program uses. While opening a program in this tool, it will check the following:

  • Missing dynamic link libraries.
  • Program files or invalid dynamic link libraries.
  • Import and export functions match.
  • Circular dependency errors.
  • Invalid Modules because these are for a different OS.

The dynamic link libraries can be documented and used by a program with the help of Dependency Walker. It can prevent the issues which might occur in the future. The location of this tool is in the following directory while installing Visual Studio 6.0:

drive\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools

DLL Universal Problem Solver:

It helps to audit, compare, document, and display dynamic link library information. DUPS contains the following utilities:

Dlister.exe: It can enumerate all dynamic link libraries on the PC.

Dcomp.exe: It compares only those which are listed in two text files. In addition, the utility can make a third one containing the differences.

Dtxt2DB.exe: It loads the text files made with the help of the Dlister.exe and the Dcomp.exe utility into the dllHell database.

DlgDtxt2DB.exe: It offers a graphical user interface version of the Dtxt2DB.exe utility.

DLL Help Database: This utility can locate specific versions of dynamic link libraries installed by Microsoft software products.

DLL development: It describes the problems and requirements that should be considered while developing dynamic link libraries.

Types of DLLs:

Dynamic Link LibraryYou can call the exported functions in two ways while loading a dynamic link library in an app. These are as follows: load-time dynamic linking and run-time dynamic linking.

Load-time dynamic linking: In this case, an app makes explicit calls to exported functions such as local ones. If you want to use this, give a header (.h) and an import library (.lib) file while compiling and linking the app. While doing this, the linker will provide the necessary information to the system to load the dynamic link library. Thus, it is possible to fix the exported function locations at load time.

Run-time dynamic linking: An app can call the LoadLibrary or the LoadLibraryEx function to load the dynamic-link library at run time. Once it is loaded, use the GetProcAddress function. It will help you to obtain the exported function’s address. An imported library file is of no use in the run-time dynamic linking.

We have given here applications letting you know when to use them.

Startup performance: If the app’s initial startup performance is crucial, use run-time dynamic linking.

Ease of use: The exported functions are the same as local functions in load-time dynamic linking. As a result, it becomes simple to call the functions.

Application logic: An app may branch to load various modules in run-time dynamic linking. It is vital while developing multiple-language versions.

The DLL entry point:

While making a dynamic link library, you may specify an entry point function. You can call function while the processes or threads connect to the dynamic link library or disconnect themselves from it. This function helps to initialize data structures or destroy these.

In addition, if the app is multithreaded, use TLS, thread local storage, for memory allocation. Remember that the memory is private to every thread in the entry point function. This code is an instance of this entry point function.



HANDLE hModule,// Handle to DLL module

DWORD ul_reason_for_call,// Reason for calling function

LPVOID lpReserved ) // Reserved


switch ( ul_reason_for_call )


case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACHED: // A process to load the DLL.


case DLL_THREAD_ATTACHED: // A process to create a new thread.


case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: // A thread usually exits.


case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: // A process to unload the DLL.



return TRUE;


If the function returns a FALSE value, the app won’t begin if you use load-time dynamic linking. But if you use run-time dynamic linking, the individual dynamic link library will not load only. Therefore, this function should perform simple initialization tasks only. It must not call other loading or termination functions. For instance, you must not call the LoadLibrary or the LoadLibraryEx function directly or indirectly in the entry point function. Besides, you must not call the FreeLibrary function while the method is terminating.

Ensure that access to the dynamic link library is synchronized in multithreaded apps to avoid data corruption. In this case, you need to use the TLS as it can offer unique data per thread.

Export DLL Functions:

If you are willing to export these functions, try to add a function keyword to the exported functions. Instead, you may generate a module definition (.def) file listing the exported functions.

Whether you are willing to use a function keyword, declare every function to export with the following keyword:


If you want to use exported functions in the app, declare every function to import with the following keyword: __declspec(dllimport)

The header file contains a defining statement and an ifdef statement which can separate the export and the import statement. A module definition file can help you to declare the exported functions.

While using this, you may not need to add the function keyword to the exported functions. Instead, you can declare the LIBRARY and the EXPORTS statement in this. The code is an instance of it.


// FileedgeDLL.def


LIBRARY “FileEdge”


Sample DLL and Application:

It is possible to make a dynamic link library by choosing the Win32 Dynamic-Link Library or the MFC AppWizard project type in Visual C++ 6.0. Hence, you should check out this code.


// FileEdgeDLL.cpp


#include “stdafx.h”


#include “FileEdge.h”

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved



return TRUE;


void HelloWorld()


MessageBox( NULL, TEXT(“Hi FileEdge”), TEXT(“In a DLL”), MB_OK);


// File: FileEdge.h


#ifndef INDLL_H

#define INDLL_H


extern __declspec(dllexport) void Hi FileEdge();


extern __declspec(dllimport) void Hi FilEdge();



This code is an instance of a Win32 Application project calling the exported function.


// SampleApp.cpp


#include “stdafx.h”

#include “sampleDLL.h”

int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow)


Hi FileEdge();

return 0;


Ensure that you link the FileEdgeDLL.lib import library made while creating the FileEdgeDLL project in load-time dynamic linking. But for run-time dynamic linking, use code that is the same as the following code. Hence, it is used to call the SampleDLL.dll exported dynamic link library function.




DLLPROC Hi FileEdge;



hinstDLL = LoadLibrary(“FileEdgeDLL.dll”);

if (hinstDLL != NULL)


HelloWorld = (DLLPROC) GetProcAddress(hinstDLL, “Hi FileEdge”);

if (Hi FileEdge != NULL)

(Hi FileEdge);

fFreeDLL = FreeLibrary(hinstDLL);


While compiling and linking the SampleDLL application, the windows OS finds it in these locations in this order:

  • The application folder
  • The current folder
  • The Windows system folder
  • The Windows folder

How to Call the DLL File Function

If you want to call this function from your script, go through these steps.

  • Your first task is to add this to the project as a support file. Ensure that you should do this if you haven’t done so.
  • Tap on InstallScript in the View List under Behavior and Logic.
  • After that, your job is to tap on the InstallScript file (.rul), calling the function in the InstallScript explorer.
  • At the beginning of the script, you should prototype the function using the following syntax:

prototype [CallingConvention] [ReturnType] DLLName.FunctionName( ParamType1, ParamType2, … );

  • You should load it by calling the UseDLL function. For example:


There is no need to load _isuser.dll, _isres.dll, or Windows API dynamic link library files like User32.dll, Gdi32.dll, and Kernel32.dll. Remember that you must not call UseDLL and UnUseDLL to load and unload them.

  • Ensure that you need to call this function like others. For instance:

bResult = MyDLL.MyFunction( nInt1, nInt2, nInt3 );

  • Once you have made all script calls to the dynamic link library, you should unload the file by calling UnUseDLL. For instance:


What is DLL Hijacking?

It is a process through which you can inject malicious code into an app. Hence, it is essential to exploit similarly, like a few Windows applications, search and load Dynamic Link Libraries. Only Microsoft OSs are susceptible to these hijacks.

How to Import DLL Files For Advanced C Function:

If you want to include these files in the Advanced C function, perform these steps.

You will need the file to create the modulation signal. In this case, you might use several methods to let you know how to make a DLL file.

Once you make this, add its location in the “DLL functions” tab in the Advanced C function menu. In addition, you should try to add the H file (aka header file). As soon as you configure, search for the function’s interface in the “Name” tab.

If you want to add the “Controller” function in the Schematic Editor, use this output_fcn function. Let’s see the implementation of the “Controller” function.




We have given it in C language.

/* Replace “dll.h” with the name of your header */

#include “dll.h”

#include <math.h>

#define Dmin 0.

#define Dmax 1


//double Vref = 40;

double Vsense = 0.;

double err = 0.;

double anti = 0.;

double Rc = 0.;

double Rsat = 0.;

double intg = 0.;

double ka = 166.67;

double kp = 0.006;

double ki = 0.436;

double in0, in1, out = 0;

void Controller(double Vo,double* duty,double Vref)


#define Ts 100e-6 //100kHz

Vsense = Vo;

err = Vref – Vsense;

anti = err – ka*(Rc – Rsat);

intg += ki*Ts*anti;

Rc = kp*err + intg;

if ( Rc < Dmin ) Rsat = Dmin;

else if ( Rc > Dmax ) Rsat = Dmax;

else Rsat = Rc;

*duty = Rsat;


You should know that the PI regulator is implemented in the void function “Controller .”These inputs are the reference voltage. Hence, its source is the SCADA Input component and the output voltage of the Boost Converter. Here, the duty cycle is set for the PWM modulator as output for this function.

The header file is as follows:

#ifndef _DLL_H_

#define _DLL_H_

void Controller(double Vo,double* duty,double Vref);


You can see the function interface implemented in the header file needed for the app.

How to Open DLL Files:

You should follow these steps to learn how to open a DLL file.

  1. Determine the Use:

These run in the background while using Windows programs. This type of file might have many functions that it can perform. Besides, the programs may need access to perform that function. There are a few functions which it has to include:

  • Drawing graphics
  • Displaying text
  • Managing fonts
  • Making calculations
  1. Find a Program to Open a DLL File:

Several programs can open it. For example, windows computers come with a registry program where it is possible to register them. Visual Studio or a decompiler help to read these. You can download them if necessary. Besides, you can use Visual Studio online, allowing you to see the dynamic link libraries without downloading or finding a program ahead of time.

These are four processes which you should follow to open it.

Microsoft Windows 7 and Newer Registry:

These steps could assist you in opening a file on Windows 7 and newer ones.

  • Your first task is to navigate to the Command prompt and open it. Hence, your task is to first move to the Windows Start menu or hold Windows Key+R. Then, you need to type “cmd” in the prompt appearing on display.
  • Use this to open the folder. As soon as you look for the folder, hold the Shift key. Afterward, your task is to tap on the folder to open CMD directly in that folder.
  • Write “regsvr32 [DLL name].dll” and tap on Enter. This function enables you to add this to the Windows Registry and access the file. In addition, it is possible to use the function to add new files to the PC.
  • Now, write “regsvr32 -u [DLL name].dll” and hit Enter. If you want to remove this from the registry, use the function. The function can help you to remove those that are not behaving correctly.

Microsoft Windows Visual Studio:

It is a program used to see, edit and build code into a file. Thus, you can learn how to edit a DLL file. Once you import code into Visual Studio, it will convert it into the programming language C#. It doesn’t matter if the programming language was different before.

  • Your first task is to download the Microsoft Visual Studio. Before downloading the program, check if the PC fulfills the needs to run the program. Once you are sure that your PC can run the program, try to run the installer to add it to the pc.
  • Choose “Export to Project” after opening the folder containing the file. It is possible to use another program to see the code. Besides, the program helps to find something which you need to change. Tap on the file in another program to export it to Visual Studio. As a result, you may find the file being moved into Visual Studio.
  • Try to edit the code with the help of Visual Studio. Thus, you can run the functions which you need. In addition, it lets you learn how to read dll files without editing the code.

Visual Studio Online:

Have you not installed Visual Studio in the Window of your computer? Then, you can go with the Visual Online Studio. You should follow these steps to use the online version of Visual Studio.

  • First, your job is to open the web browser so that you can reach the online Visual Studio more efficiently. It is because you are familiar with the browser already.
  • Now, your task is to enter this web address for Visual Studio. When you go to the browser’s address bar, write to reach the site. You may find the term “visual studio online.”
  • Next, your task is to log in to your account or make a new one. If you wish to use the Visual Studio Online, you should use a registered Microsoft account. So first, sign in whether you have one already.
  • Finally, you need to upload it. When you enter Visual Studio Online, find this in the file explorer. Then, you should upload this to the program to read a DLL file and edit it.

Decompiler Program:

It is another process you can try. The DLL File Decompiler is designed to take the functional code. Besides, it makes a usable file where it can adjust and redesign the code as functional. You can use this one safely as it lets you look at the code without changing it and affecting the PC. We have given the steps you need to follow to open them.

  • First, you must look for a decompiler program and install it. This program can offer you some choices. However, you need to select one with which you feel more comfortable while using.
  • Now, you have to open the files in the decompiler. The method varies from program to program. First, however, there is a button that you need to click labeled “File.” Then, a list will open where you can find it.
  • Next, your job is to use the “Assembly Explorer” for browsing it. These store information as “Nodes” & “Subnodes,” and it is possible to explore it in a decompiler. When you tap on one node, all subnodes will be available.
  • At last, you need to tap on the node twice to see the code contained within it. Once you see the code, scroll through to review. You must ensure that various aspects are involved in executing your desired functions.

Missing DLL Files Error Messages:

These are a few error messages which you can encounter.

” The .dll file is missing.”

“.dll file not found.”

“This application failed to start; an important component .dll is missing. Reinstalling the application may fix the error.”

Reasons for Missing DLL Files:

You can experience the most common “missing or not found DLL errors” due to missing DLL file in Windows 10. However, there can be very reasons why you can encounter the problem.

  1. Mistakenly deleting a DLL file:

If a program is installed or uninstalled, the error can happen. Besides, you can experience the problem if you have attempted to clean up space on the hard disk.

  1. Overwriting this file: Installing a current application can overwrite an existing file with an incompatible or invalid one.
  2. Malware Infection: It can happen if any malicious program has been deleted or damaged.
  3. Corrupted or crashed: A bad installation of a program that corrupted one or more than one can cause the error.
  4. Hardware Malfunction: If a bad hard disk drive has damaged the data on the drive, you can encounter the problem.

How to Fix Missing DLL Files:

These are a few steps you should learn how to fix missing DLL files.

Fix 1) Reboot the PC:

Restarting the system can help you to fix the problem. Sometimes, these errors are temporary. A few examples include ‘Not Found’ or ‘DLL is missing.’ Therefore, you should perform this method. If it works, there is no need to try complex ways.

Fix 2) Find Those Which You Removed Mistakenly:

Sometimes, you may delete them in a hurry. But remember that all of these are not useless. Therefore, you should try to find these in the Recycle Bin. You might not remember if you have deleted it. In this case, you should navigate to Recycle Bin and restore it once you find it there.

Fix 3) Use the Power of System Restore:

Performing a system restoration can help you to fix the problem. Therefore, the problem will not appear after that. If you are a Windows user, you must have made a system restore point, a copy of the Configuration. Whether you are willing to protect the PC, save a Copied Configuration. It will note the time before making any changes to the system. Creating a restore point can be a lifesaver. Go through these steps to fix the problem.

  • First, tap on This PC or My computer.
  • Then, move to the Properties option.
  • Next, tap on System Security and System protection.
  • After that, you should look for the ‘System Restore’ option.

You can use Safe mode for any situation, including starting this process. If you are a windows 10 user, perform these steps.

  • If you use Windows 8/10/11 on your PC, hit the Restart button first. You must hold the Shift key while doing so.
  • Then, the ‘Choose an Option’ menu appears.
  • Tap on the ‘Troubleshoot’ option.
  • After that, ‘Advanced Options’ will appear on it. Now, you need to tap on it.
  • Next, tap on Restart in the ‘Startup Settings’ menu.
  • If you want to access Safe Mode, tap on a key. Then, you can see any Safe Mode version.
  • You should select Command Prompt (Admin) option by hitting the Start button.

For Windows 7:

  • If you use Windows 7, tap on the F8 key. You should do this while the computer is starting. In this case, it is possible to access the Advanced Boot Options menu. Ensure that you should perform the step quickly. Whether you use SSD, try it more than once.
  • Now, choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt option using the Arrows Keys. The Command Prompt window (CMD) will appear in a few seconds.
  • Once you enter this, write cd restore.
  • After that, write the command rstrui.exe.
  • Then, the System Restore window appears.
  • After starting the System Restore tool, you can see the dialogue box. Follow the steps properly to end the process of Restoration.
  • Once you complete the method, check if the errors still exist.

Fix 4) Use a File Recovery App:

Sometimes, you or malware can delete it. Therefore, you need to reinstall Windows operating system or download it from the third-party dynamic link library sites. However, you can use a file recovery app. It is possible to recover a lost one within a few clicks. In addition, it allows you to recover over 1000 types of files.

Then, you should use the software to scan the partition. If you wish to perform a full scan, it will take more time. You may look for the necessary files and try to recover them during the scan. If you want the best recovery, never stop the scan. You need to wait until the full scan is completed.

The software will show all found files in the result. If you are willing to look for the missing ones, try to unfold each folder. But it may take more time. In this case, there is a Find option ( in the upper left corner) that you need to use. Now, write the correct file name and hit the Find button. You must repeat the step if you are willing to find other ones. After finding these, you need to check the boxes. Hit the Save button.

You can see a small pop-up. Remember to save these in any location or directory according to the requirements.

Fix 5) Run System File Checker:

Run this to solve the corrupted errors by your Windows OS. SFC Scanner is a tool from Windows that you can use to eliminate the problem. In this case, you should perform these steps listed below:

  • Head toward the “Start” menu button and hit it. After that, you should tap on it. Then, select Command Prompt (Admin).
  • Enter the command given underneath and hit the Enter button:

Sfc /scannow

  • Then, you need to wait until the method is completed. This is because it can take a while to scan the entire pc to detect the errors.
  • Reboot the PC after completing the above step.
  • At last, check if it is missing or not.

Fix 6) Run DISM:

You can try to use Deployment Image & Servicing Management tool if the scanner can not repair system files or find the missing one.

  • Run “Administrative Command Prompt” by hitting the start button.
  • Then, you should enter the following command into Command Prompt and hit “Enter”:

DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

  • Now, wait for a while till the process is not completed.
  • After completing the method, you need to reboot the PC.

It is expected that DISM will help you to fix the issue. But if it fails, you may try to fix it manually.

Fix 7) Scan for the Malwares or Viruses:

As the internet is a dangerous side, your browser or a Pendrive might harm your device. Besides, a cyber threat can cause errors. Sometimes, a virus or malicious piece of software can create issues. In those cases, you should perform a thorough Device Scan. You need to download authentic antivirus software. Therefore, it is possible to scan all causes of the problems. Once the virus or malware is removed, you will not face errors. Try to update all Virus Definitions and avoid system problems in the future.

Fix 8) Reinstall the Software:

If you encounter a problem because of installed software or app, you should go through these steps:

  • Your first task is to uninstall the software installed from the control panel.
  • Reboot the PC.
  • Then, reinstall your software.
  • Visit the official download page of the software and download the setup file.
  • After downloading the setup, you should install it accurately.
  • Whether you get a “repair” option from your software, your task is to select that first and check if it can help.

Fix 9) Time to Maintain the Registry Keys Hygiene:

The registry is a key module of each version of Windows. Remember that any registry error can affect the operating system. It contains records of all information and settings. In this record, you can find your hardware and software information. Most users save their database. When someone modifies any settings, the registry has a record of it.

It has information regarding:

  • Software Installations
  • Control Panel settings
  • Files and their properties

Remember that the sources of additional data may be any of these:

  • application errors
  • Incomplete installations/uninstallation,
  • configuration conflicts, etc.

These issues can decrease PC Performance. As a result, you can experience problems. Using Registry Tools can help you to fix the problem.

Fix 10) Manually Re-registering a Contaminated DLL File:

Again, perform the steps with utmost care. But before this, you should write the actual name appearing in System Prompts. After that, you should begin performing the steps.

  • Open cmd with the help of your Admin Account. Hence, you must keep the Admin privilege active. Then, use the key-combo of Windows + X. Next, choose Command Prompt (admin).
  • After that, you should run the commands. First, write the command and hit Enter key.
  • You can repeat it for the second command.

The solution is expected to be effective for Windows 11, 10, 8, 8.1 & 7.

Fix 11) Reinstall the Visual C++ Redistribution:

If necessary, address the errors with this.

As soon as you reinstall Visual C++ Redistribution, these errors will stop appearing. You could view this while installing applications, games, or similar installations. However, several desktop apps will not function without the correct version of Redistributions. These are the steps you should follow.

Visit the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages download page by opening it in the browser. Unfortunately, a few software might need their previous version. Therefore, you have to reinstall the related version. After that, these problems should disappear.

Fix 12) Copy it from Another Healthy System:

There are multiple software developed to run on the Windows older version. Therefore, you may need a specific windows version to run them. You may copy it from the systems where the software is running perfectly. In this case, you need to replace the copies one on the PC by pasting it in the proper Directory. Then, check if the process can fix the problem.

Fix 13) Download it Manually:

Download it manually if no method works. Hence, checking the software’s official website for the missing ones is better. You can get many chances to get these on a genuine website. Whether you can’t find the original one and can’t fix the issue, visit the following websites from where you can download the missing one. In this case, you must investigate whether the site is genuine before downloading.


How To Manually Unregister/ Register dll File:

How to manually register a DLL file or OCX file:

For Windows Server 2012, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10:

You can find the Start button hidden in these versions of Windows. If you want to see this button, move the cursor and hover it over the desktop’s lower left corner, where you see it in earlier versions of Windows.

  • Hit the Start button, which comes in front of you, and a menu will appear. Choose the Command Prompt (Admin).
  • A cmd window shows the “Administrator: Command Prompt” term at the Window top.
  • At last, you should enter REGSVR32 “PATH TO THE DLL FILE” at the Window top.

Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2:

Is User Account Control or UAC enabled? If yes, then you should register it from an elevated Command prompt. Next, you need to perform these steps.

  • Tap on Start.
  • After that, click on All Programs, and after that, Accessories. Next, you should tap “Command Prompt” and choose the “Run as Administrator” option. Then, or once you are in the Search box, write CMD. Then, tap on it as soon as you see cmd.exe in your results.
  • Now, choose “Run as administrator.”
  • Finally, you must enter REGSVR32 “PATH TO THE DLL FILE” at the cmd.

But if you find UAC disabled, you need to perform these steps.

  • Your first job is to tap on the Windows key and hold it afterward. Now, tap on R.
  • When you go to the Run line, enter cmd and tap on OK.
  • Enter REGSVR32 “PATH TO THE DLL FILE” at cmd.
  • Finally, tap on OK.


  • Tap on Start, and Run. Instead, you can hold the Windows key after tapping on it. Next, you should tap on R.
  • Write REGSVR32 in the Run line.
  • Hit the Space button on the keyboard.
  • Choose the pertinent .dll file from the file location.
  • Drag and drop it into the Run line after the space.
  • Hit OK.

How to Manually Unregister a DLL File:

With the help of the REGSVR32 tool within Windows, you can unregister it to fix the problem.

  • If you want to unregister these, tap on Start. Then, go to Run. Instead, you may use the Windows command line. Hence, you should navigate to Search and CMD, respectively. Then, tap on Run as Administrator.
  • For instance, use REGSVR32 /U “C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\SQLDMO.dll” to unregister the SQLDMO.dll type. Then, if you take the help of a Customer Support Analyst, you will get a path and file name.
  • At last, hit OK.

The Bottom Line:

Several PC users encounter messages like ‘Missing DLL files .’You might need to reinstall Windows to avoid the message popping up again. But are you encountering the problem every time while restarting the PC? Remember that the most common Windows errors are Runtime errors. These can appear in multiple different forms. Different run-time errors depend on different reasons.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do you open it?

These are generally called upon by an application. If you want to see the code, you need to decompile it with a third-party app.

  • How do you install it?

You can not install it like others. However, it is possible to install by placing these in the directory where an app is set to find a specific one.

  • How do you fix the Startupchecklibrary DLL?

You need to download an automatic software used to fix the problem, or you may perform it manually.


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What is an Aspx File?

What is an Aspx File?

Recently, we have been experiencing filename extensions that leave us scratching our heads. For example, files like HEIC, XAPK, and standard FLAC files can turn up; therefore, you might not know what to do with them.  A perfect example of this is the ASPX file, where you might not know what an ASPX file is used for. But it can irritate you as Windows does not know what to do with them by default. So Microsoft made the file format. However, it is possible to open the .aspx files.

But it isn’t necessary to do this if you work in IT on web servers or web development. You should know that .pdf, .jpg, and other file types can sometimes appear as them. Let’s dive into the article to learn what is a .aspx file and how do I open it.

What is an ASPX file?

ASPX, Active Server Pages, is a file format that web servers use. It is created using Microsoft ASP.NET, an open-source development framework. Web developers use it to make dynamic web pages using the .NET and C# programming languages.

It iterates on the ASP, a technology that precedes it. But it never uses Microsoft’s .NET language. Rather than that, you can find the File written in other frameworks. For example, it is known as a .NET Web Form. Besides, it is possible to determine if a web page is written in ASPX while a ‘.aspx’ suffix is applied to the URL.

These files can contain different scripts or other open-source files browsers receive from web servers. In addition, these are web service components that can offer dynamic elements on a page. If you are an end user, you cannot see or interact with these file types during the online experience. But when they do it, you can experience an error with the web service’s configuration. Let’s know more details about what is an aspx file extension.

More Information:

These pages are known as “.NET Web forms.” It is possible to recognize these pages in a web browser using the URL in the address field ending in .aspx.

Microsoft developed and released it in 2002 to succeed Active Server Pages (ASP). Web developers use this web app framework to create dynamic sites and apps.

Common ASPX File Names:

Default.aspx is a default webpage. It is loaded if a client browser requests a web server directory on a Microsoft IIS-based server. In this case, the server, which is Microsoft IIS-based, must use ASP.NET.

For instance, if a client requests HTTP:/​/​​, the server will load the following URL HTTP:/​/​​Default.aspx unless you configure it to load another one.

How Do You Convert .ASPX to HTML?

The HTML ones are static. Therefore, if you convert this type to HTML, you might lose all the dynamic elements of the page. If you are willing to convert it, load the page in your browser and tap on it. After that, you should tap on the View Page Source and save that to the local HDD. You may try to load this. It will appear on your page, but nothing will work.

Programs to Open ASPX File on Different Devices:

Programs depend on which type of device you use. Therefore, we have given names of the supported programs for different devices.


  • File Viewer Plus
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
  • ES-Computing EditPlus
  • Adobe Dreamweaver 2020
  • Any Web browser


  • Adobe Dreamweaver 2020
  • Any Web browser


  • Any Web browser


  • File Viewer for Android

 .ASPX File Format:

ASP.NET web forms depend on the event-driven model to interact with the web app. In this case, the browser submits a web form to the server as an end user. In return, the server returns a full markup page or HTML page. Besides, the ASP.NET component model can provide an object model for these pages. The model describes:

Thre are server side counterparts of all HTML elements or tags, like <form> and <input>.

Server controls are used to develop the most challenging user interface, like the Calendar or the Gridview control. These use the ASP.NET Code Behind model to create pages.

In-Line Code:

It is a sample code that can offer all the functionality for user implementation. This code displays a sample ASP.NET page with inline code:

<%@ Language=C# %>


<script runat=”server” language=”C#”>

void MyButton_OnClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)


MyLabel.Text = MyTextbox.Text.ToString();




<form id=”MyForm” runat=”server”>

<asp:textbox id=”MyTextbox” text=”Hello World” runat=”server”></asp:textbox>

<asp:button id=”MyButton” text=”Echo Input” OnClick=”MyButton_OnClick” runat=”server”></asp:button>

<asp:label id=”MyLabel” runat=”server”></asp:label>





You can write the code and store it in separate class files for clean separation of HTML from presentation logic. As a result, the presentation layer becomes independent of the executable code. It is the code-behind for presentation purposes.

<%@ Language=”C#” Inherits=”MyStuff.MyClass” %>



<form id=”MyForm” runat=”server”>

<asp:textbox id=”MyTextBox” text=”Hello World” runat=”server”></asp:textbox>

<asp:button id=”MyButton” text=”Echo Input” Onclick=”MyButton_Click” runat=”server”></asp:button>

<asp:label id=”MyLabel” runat=”server” />




The genuine logic’s C# implementation for the presentation layer is as follows:

using System;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.UI;

using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace MyStuff


public class MyClass: Page


protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label MyLabel;

protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button MyButton;

protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox MyTextBox;

public void MyButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)


MyLabel.Text = MyTextBox.Text.ToString();




How do you open an ASPX file as a PDF?

If you want to open it as a PDF, you should first open it with the standard app on the computer. Next, navigate to File and then Print. You should, after that, choose “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” as your printer. After that, tap on “OK” or “Print.” Now, you should select a destination for the XPS file and tap on the “Save” option.

How to open an ASPX file:

While downloading any file from the internet to your system, you will see the download in a .aspx format though you were expecting other formats like PDF. In this case, renaming this can work for you. Besides, you may change the type to the one you expect to have, like .pdf.

If the File you want to open is in the correct format, several options are available. Microsoft initially wanted it to be available in its open-source integrated developer environment (IDE) Visual Studio Code. However, there are other programs, both free and paid. So, you may use an alternate.

Open ASPX files with Notepad++:

It is a free source code editor. As it is compatible with many languages, it becomes a perfect replacement for Notepad. This editor can support even CGI format. While the code is in C++ programming language, it depends on the editing component Scintilla. In addition, it can provide a higher execution speed and smaller program size for using Win32 API and STL.

Rename the ASPX File:

If you find your Windows unable to open this, try to rename it. Renaming it to PDF allows you to open and view it. Here are the steps you should follow to rename it.

Before renaming this, set up the PC to see the file extensions. Then, go through these steps to do so.

  • First, your job is to tap on the “Windows” + “R” key on the keyboard to bring up the Run box.
  • After that, write “control folder” in the text field.
  • Hit the “OK” button or tap on the “Enter” key on the keyboard to bring a “File Explorer Options” window.
  • Move to the “View” tab.
  • Next, tap on the “Uncheck” where the box asks, “Hide extensions for known file types.”
  • Then, hit the “Apply” button.
  • Now, hit the “OK” button.
  • Thus, it is possible to view the file extension on the PC.

Let’s know how to rename it to PDF:

  • First, find the .aspx File on the pc and tap on it.
  • After that, select the “Rename” option from the context menu.
  • Next, change the file extension to PDF.
  • Now, the prompt appears to confirm your action, and tap on “Yes.”
  • It helps you to change this to PDF. Then, it is finally possible to see and read the PDF. But renaming it can make your content corrupted. Besides, you might not see the content in PDF format.

Open ASPX File with Adobe Reader:

Using Adobe Reader to open it is a simple way to see it. In this case, ensure that you have successfully installed the software on your laptop or computer. Then, follow these steps to learn how to open it.

  • Tap on the “Start” menu on the pc.
  • After that, you should tap the “View by” option on the window top.
  • Next, you should select “Small icons” and tap on “Default Programs.”
  • Then, you should tap “Associate a file type or protocol with a program” and find the “.aspx” protocol.
  • Now, your job is to tap on “Change program” and select “More apps.”
  • Head toward the “Adobe Reader” program.
  • Finally, you should hit the “OK” button to switch the program.

Thus, once you implement the steps, you can set this with Adobe Reader to see it. This software is also compatible with other formats.

Convert the .aspx into PDF File:

You can use browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, etc., to see and open it on your PC because it is an Internet media-type document. If you can use the web browser to see the File, go through these steps.

  • Tap on the one which is in the extension format.
  • After that, tap on Open within the menu bar.
  • Choose Google Chrome below the Open with context menu.
  • Next, you should tap on Google Chrome.
  • Now it becomes easier to open it locally in the browser. Select other browsers such as Microsoft Edge, and Firefox, if you want.
  • Finally, you can view it in any web browser supported by Windows 10. However, if you wish to see it on the computer, it is essential to convert it into pdf format. After that, you can see the contents of it.

What if Google Chrome is not available?

  • If this web browser is unavailable in the menu option, tap on the “Choose another app” option.
  • After that, you should browse it under the “Program” file.
  • Choose the “Google Chrome” folder. Thus, you can select the app to see this type.

How to open the .aspx File if you use windows 7?

If you use Windows 7 and are willing to know how to open it, go through these steps.

  • First, look for it on Windows 7.
  • Then, you should tap twice on it. Hence, an error pops up asking, “Windows can’t open this file.”
  • Afterward, you should choose the “Select a program from a list of installed programs” option.
  • Hit the “OK” button.
  • Then, browse to select “Google Chrome” from the list.

If you are willing to convert it to pdf, these are the steps you should follow.

  • Open it in Chrome. Then, tap on the Ctrl + P key to open the Print page pop-up window.
  • Navigate to the Destination drop-down and choose the “Save as PDF” option.
  • Once you select the Save as PDF option, hit the Save button marked in blue color. Thus, you can convert it into a pdf.
  • You will see this converted into a pdf as soon as you perform these steps.
  • Thus, it is possible to open this on the computer and see its content.

Use online converters:

You can use the online converters’ help to convert these to pdf. The process may take some time, but you can download a PDF. These are a few online converters.

If you want to convert it into a pdf with online converters, try to upload it first. Then, hit the Convert to PDF button. In this case, its size is a dependable factor. Based on that, it will be converted into a PDF. Next, a download button appears. Tap on it. Now, you can see the downloaded PDF that you can open on Windows 10.

Other .ASPX files:

Suppose you see a URL ending with .aspx in a browser bar. It indicates that the page is run as part of an ASP.NET framework. Besides, you can not open it yourself because the browser has to do it automatically. The web server running ASP.NET usually processes the code inside the File. Instead, use Microsoft’s free Visual Studio to open and edit. It is possible to open it up with the help of a normal text editor.

Still Can’t Open It?

Ensure you must not confuse other names with the names of the .aspx file extensions. For instance, ASX files appear to have connections to them. However, they might be Alpha Five Library Temporary Index files supporting the context of the Alpha Anywhere platform. The same occurs for ASCX also.


You cannot open these on Windows PC. But the given tricks allow you to open and read them. You can open it using Google Chrome and save it as a PDF. This one is the most effective way to open it. You can open this even in the future. It is all you can learn from this article what an aspx file pdf is.

Frequently Asked Question:

  • How do you open ASPX files on Android?

Open it first, as usual, and head toward File. Then, go to “Print” and select print as a PDF.

  • How do you open an ASPX file on a Mac?

Microsoft comes with a Mac version of its Visual Studio software to open it on Mac. You only need to download Visual Studio and install it on the company’s website.

  • How do you create an ASPX file using inline code instead of code behind?

You should create a new web page using inline code in Visual Studio. Ensure that the Place code remains unchecked.

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How to Open Pages File?

How to Open Pages File?

The Pages app is actually a Mac word processor, which is the same as Microsoft Word on Windows. Usually, this document is saved as a format file by default with a “.pages” file extension. And let us know how to open pages file or files with .pages extension.

Mac users can not see it. But if you send this to someone on a Windows computer, they can see this extension file. In this case, you should know that most Windows apps and Microsoft Office can’t read the format by default. You might think your Windows can’t use it, but that’s not the case. So let’s dive into the article to learn how to open pages File in Microsoft Word.

What is a PAGES file?

It is a document made by Apple Pages, a word processor and page layout program for macOS and iOS. This document can save as a report, poster, resume, newsletter, book, certificate, or brochure made from a blank page or built from a template. These documents contain text and page formatting information. In addition, it has images, tables, graphs, and charts.

These are the same as Microsoft Word. But still, it is impossible to open them directly on a Windows device. Therefore, we have given different methods in this guide to inform you how to open pages File in Word.

More Information About .Pages File:

It is available in the iWork office suite with Numbers and Keynote. We use pages to compose different documents and save them as PAGES files. If you want, you can convert these to another format.

It appears while using an Apple device, like a MacBook or iPad. Besides, you can save documents with the Pages application. However, you can face it if you don’t use any Apple device. For instance, your friend using Pages on a Mac can share a letter only if it is saved as a PAGES file.

How to Create a PAGES file:

Do you know how to open pages File on Mac? Before that, you should read this section carefully. The app saves documents as PAGES files by default, similar to Word saving documents as DOCX files by default. So, if you want to make a file on a Mac, you should choose File first. Then, New…, select a template or a blank document, and choose File → Save….

How to Open Pages File ( .pages ) Extension:

1) iCloud:

It is the cloud computing and storage service of Apple. People can use web-only access to iCloud though they don’t have an Apple device, and access the Drive, Pages, Keynotes, Notes, Contacts, etc.

These are the steps to follow:

  • First, you need to launch one browser.
  • Navigate to the iCloud website.
  • Sign in to the Apple ID.
  • You should make new when you do not come with any.
  • Hit the Pages icon.
  • Head toward Settings.
  • Tao on Upload Document.
  • As soon as you upload the .pages document, you can open it on your device to edit.

2) PDF Reader:

These are Zip files containing the document information and a JPG file.

Besides, there exists an optional PDF file to preview the document. Thus, it is possible to change the file extension to zip and open it using a PDF reader. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Your task is to look for the File with the format on the system.
  • Then, you need to tap on the File.
  • Next, navigate to Rename from the drop-down menu.
  • After that, you should delete the extension.
  • Exchange it with .zip.
  • Now, tap on “Enter.”
  • Tap Yes while asking for confirmation.
  • You need to tap it twice to open it using WinZip or WinRar.
  • Next, navigate to the Quicklook folder.
  • Finally, tap on Preview to open it using the correct app.

3) Zamzar:

It is an online file converter used to convert more than 1200 formats. With the help of a converter, you can convert .pages format to Word. After that, you should use MS Word to open the converted File. The steps you should follow are:-

  • Head toward the website.
  • Navigate to Document Converters.
  • Choose Pages Converter.
  • Then, tap on Add Files.
  • After that, you should move to the .pages file you prefer to open.
  • Tap on it.
  • Then, tap on Open.
  • Choose doc or docx in the Convert To drop-down menu.
  • Next, you should tap on Convert Now.
  • Now, choose Download to save and open the converted File.
  • It is possible to convert them to .txt, epub, or PDF to open on the device with the correct app.

4) FreeConvert:

If you are a non-Apple user, you should use this online conversion tool. It helps you to upload the File securely via HTTPS protocol. In addition, it enables you to convert it to other preferred formats.

  • Navigate to the website.
  • Then, head toward Document Converters.
  • After that, choose Doc or Docx below the Convert My File To option.
  • Now, you should tap on Choose Files.
  • Navigate to the .pages file which you are willing to convert.
  • Choose the File.
  • Tap Open.
  • Choose Convert to Docx.
  • After completing the conversion, tap on Download Docx.
  • Tap two times on the File to open it in MS Word.
  • It is possible to convert many files of this format to other formats.

5) Cloud Convert:

You can open these files while converting them into DOC or DOCX format. It helps to maintain the quality of Apple’s iWork suite. In addition, it is possible to convert multiple formats into different ones.

  • Navigate to the website.
  • Then, you need to tap on the arrow in the box adjacent to the Convert option.
  • Move to Documents in the drop-down menu.
  • Choose Pages.
  • Head toward Documents in the box beside the To option.
  • Then, choose Doc or Docx.
  • After that, tap on Select File.
  • Now, move to the .pages file which you are willing to open.
  • Choose this by tapping m on it.
  • Tap Open.
  • Next, tap on Convert.
  • Once you see the file processing, you should choose Download to save the File on your device.
  • Tap two times on this to open in the device. It is possible to convert to PDF and TXT formats.

How to open pages File on Windows:

Different ways are there that let you know how to open page files on a windows computer.

Here are a few ways that will let you know how to open pages File on a PC:

Solution 1) Open Pages through a zip compression:

Ensure to change the file extension .pages to change the format. Hence, you should change the File into a zip format via a simple file extension modification from the Windows file system. Before beginning, ensure you have saved a copy to access Windows Explorer. After that, do the following to know How to Open Pages File in Windows 10:

Steps to Follow:

  • First, create a copy of the File.
  • Then, you need to tap on the File and select the “Rename” option.
  • Exchange it with the “.zip” extension after deleting the “.pages” extension. Next, hit the Enter key to save the extension change. For instance, your file name is “today.pages”, and you need to change it to “”
  • If you want to unzip it, tap twice on the newly renamed .zip File. Thus, you can access the Pages format content within Microsoft Word, Office, or WordPad.
  • You can see three files in the zipped folder. Next, you should tap twice on the “QuickLook” folder to open it.
  • Find QuickLook Folder.
  • Then, look for PDF and JPG files in the QuickLook folder. Now, tap twice on the PDF file.
  • Do you want to read or edit the document on Word? If yes, then converting the PDF document to a Word document is essential.

If you are willing to use the solution, you must have the file extensions visible in Windows to change the .pages extension. These are the steps you should follow to make the file extensions visible and to know How to Open Pages File on a PC in Word:


  • Navigate to the Folder Options.
  • Tap on View.
  • Next, you should uncheck the “Hide extensions for known file types” option.
  • Now, you can see the extensions.
  • At last, uncheck the Hide extension for visible files you are familiar with.

Thus, You Get To Know How To Open Pages File On Windows.

Solution 2) Upload the Pages Document on Google Drive:

Upload the document and save it to Google Drive. Ensure to have a Gmail account to access Google Drive. Make a new one if you haven’t one already. Here are the steps to let you know how to open pages File in Google drive.

  • Tap on the document in the Drive and select the option “Open With.”
  • Then, you need to select CloudConvert below the “Suggested Apps” option. Now, you should log in with your Gmail account.
  • Find the cloud convert.
  • Review the service terms if required and tap on the option “Allow.”
  • Make a new account if you do not have one already.
  • Your document can convert easily. After reading “Ready,” hit the drop-down menu. Then, you should select “Document” and then “doc” or “docx” file; after that, unzip it in Word.
  • While it is ended, hit the red “Start Conversion” button at the display’s bottom-left.
  • Then, hit the green “Show File” button adjacent to the document.
  • You can see a preview opened in Drive. Tap on “Download” at the display’s top-right.
  • Wait till the Download is completed. After that, tap the arrow adjacent to the download bar at the display’s bottom-left. Then, you should tap on the option “Open.”
  • Finally, you can see the doc opening in Microsoft Word.

How to Open Pages File on Android:

These ate the steps to follow to know how to open pages File on an android phone.

  • First, your job is to move to in the Android web browser. By default, Chrome is used on most Androids. However, you may use any web browser. Whether you haven’t downloaded it already to your Android, ensure to do it first. You should download any of these from the Play Store if you don’t use Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Remember that one app is essential to open the converted File.
  • Next, you should click Select Files to open Android’s file manager.
  • Choose the File you are willing to open. Then, it can upload the File to the server.
  • Hit the select format button. You can see a drop-down menu containing various file types.
  • Click on docx. You may convert the File to a PDF.
  • Now, you should click on Start Conversion. It is a red button. This File can convert to the new format. After completing the conversion, hit the “Start Conversion” button. It will turn green and ask the option “Download.”
  • Click on Download to download the File to the Downloads folder on the Android device.
  • You need to click on the File in the Downloads folder to open it in Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

How to Open a Pages File on iPhone or iPad:

Ensure to install the app from the App Store. These are the steps you should follow to know how to open pages File on an iPad.

Step 1:

  • First, you should navigate to the App Store and open it.
  • You can find [[Image:|techicon|x30px]] on the home display on your iPhone or iPad.
  • After that, you should click on Search.
  • Now, you need to write pages into the search bar.
  • Click on Pages. In this case, you should hit the orange icon containing a pen drawing a line.
  • Next, click on GET.
  • Then, click on the option Install.

Step 2:

You should open the app after that. You see the orange icon with a pen drawing a line inside. It is available on the home display. Whether you are in the App Store, launch the app by clicking on the option OPEN.

Step 3: You must click on Browse at the display’s bottom-right corner. Hence, you can see a list opening your files in iCloud Drive. You can view only those files which are saved to iCloud Drive.

Step 4: Now, your job is to browse the File. If you find the File saved to iCloud Drive, it must appear on display or within a folder. Whether you use a different cloud server, you should click two times on the left arrow at the display top, left of the “iCloud Drive” header. Thus, you can head toward the “Locations” screen. After that, browse to the Drive and folder where your File is.

Step 5: Finally, you should click on the File to see it. You can see it opening in the app.

These are the steps to go through to know how to open pages File on iOS.


It is essential to know what is a Pages file. Thus, you learn how to open pages File on laptop, why it is impossible to open and read it directly on any device other than Apple’s, etc. But different workaround can help you to open this on other devices.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q 1) How do you open a .pages document?

Answer: Using an online document converter is the simplest process. It helps to convert the .pages format to another compatible format like Docx or PDF. Then, you only need to download the converted File to your device and tap twice on it.

  • Q 2) How do you convert a .pages document to Word?

Answer: It is possible to use any file converter. Just navigate to the online converter, choose the Convert format to Pages, and format to Doc or Docx, and hit Convert. Download the File after the completion of the conversion. Then, tap twice to open it with MS Word.

  • Q 3) How do you open a .pages file in Chrome?

Answer: First, your task is to sign in to the Google account and move to Google Drive. After that, you need to tap on New and choose File Upload. Next, move to the Pages file you want and select it. Then, you tap on Open with and choose Google Doc. Now, you can see the File. Therefore, we hope that now you have understood how to open pages File on Google docs.

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AppsTechnology News

Android.Process.Acore Error Fixing

Android.Process.Acore Error Fixing

Multiple bugs and glitches are there, which begin displaying as your mobile gets old. For example, while going to the contact list or calling someone, a message will appear in front of the showing ‘unfortunately, the process android.process.acore has stopped’. It is one of the bugs caused for a few reasons.

When you tap on OK, the pop-up temporarily will disappear, but it can come back. It becomes irritating when you don’t know the reason for the issue. This guide will let you know how to fix the problem.

What is an android.process.acore?

android.process.acore is a type of bug caused in Android devices.

What Causes the android.process.acore Keeps Stopping problems on your Android device?

Many reasons let you know why the issue occurs on the android phone. We have given some common reasons why the issue causes on your device.

  • Corrupted cached data of the Contacts app
  • Outdated Android OS
  • Not having sufficient storage space
  • Apps are not updated
  • Your mobile is having a virus or some glitches or bugs.

How To Fix Android Process Acore Keeps Stopping Issue:

Check For Updates And Restart Your Device:

If you encounter such an issue, you have to begin checking the updates, and then you need to reboot the mobile. Your first task is to navigate to the Android Play Store to check if any update is there. After that, your task is to update your apps where updates are available.

The android.process.acore has stopped working if you don’t update apps for a long time. As soon as you update all the apps to the recent version, you have to reboot the device. However, it will help you to solve the problem.

Remove And Add Your Google Accounts:

You can try removing the Google accounts from the mobile. In this case, you have to navigate to the settings, then to the Accounts and Google. You can now open your Google accounts. After opening the Accounts, you have to remove them from the mobile. It helps to resolve problems with your contacts or Google accounts, which is why the issue occurs. Finally, reboot the Android mobile and add all the accounts.

Reset App Preferences To Default:

If you’re willing to solve the android.process.acore has ‘stopped’ error, try to reset the app preferences to default. Next, you should check whether you have mistakenly disabled any vital system or not. The reason is that disabling any system app can cause the ‘android.process.acore keeps stopping’ issue.

If you are willing to fix it, your first job is to move to the phone settings and open it. Then, proceed to apps and notifications, and then to manage apps. Next, hit the three dots on the display’s top-right side. Next, you should choose reset app preferences and hit the ‘reset apps’ option.

Clear All Data From Contacts:

You can clear the data from contacts to fix the problem. Try to clear all data, including the cached data, to solve the error caused due to some bug or glitch.

If you want to remove data from contacts, you have to open the mobile settings, go to apps and notifications, and manage apps. After that, you have to find ‘contacts’ from the list of applications and open them. Next, you must hit the ‘clear data’ option at the display’s bottom. Lastly, you have to hit the ‘clear all data’ option.

Check For Software Updates:

If you don’t update the software, it can lead to bugs and glitches in the software, due to which the issue occurs. Whether you find android.process.acore keeps stopping in the mobile; check if any software update is available. If you are willing to check software updates, your first job is to move to Settings. Then, navigate to the About the phone, and check for updates. Now, your task is to download updates available for the software, if any, and then reboot the computer to solve the problem.

Update Messaging Apps:

Do you use the Facebook app on the device? Then, you need to ensure that you have installed the recent app version. If you use old messaging apps, it can run into contact syncing problems which causes the “android.process.acore has stopped” error.

  • Your task is to move to the Play Store app and open it.
  • After that, your job is to hit the Google profile icon available in the upper-right.
  • Now, click on Manage apps & device.
  • You can see all available updates on the Overview tab.
  • Click on the individual installed apps to update. Then, if you are willing, hit the Update All option to download all available updates.
  • If it cannot solve the issue, you can continue with other fixes.

Disable Sync for Facebook:

Syncing problems with Facebook can cause the ‘android.process.acore has stopped’ error. Therefore, you have to stop syncing for Facebook and apps, including Facebook Messenger.

  • First, your task is to tap on Settings on the Android device and open it.
  • After that, you have to navigate to the Accounts section.
  • Hit Facebook, Account Sync, and disable it after that.
  • You have to click on Messenger, Account Sync, and turn it off.
  • Reboot the mobile to check if you see the pop-up message appearing again. Then, if you are willing, uninstall and reinstall them on the device again.

Reinstall Messenger Apps:

Whether you cannot fix the account syncing issue, try to uninstall and reinstall the app. If you are willing to reinstall, move to the Google Play Store and find the Messenger app. After that, you need to head toward the app description page and open it. Then, hit the Uninstall button.

In an alternative way, you have to hit the app icon. Next, your task is to choose the Uninstall option from the pop-up menu. As soon as you uninstall the app, you should navigate to the Google Play Store. After that, you should try to install your application again. Finally, try to use your mobile and check if the issue can pop-up still.

Clear System Cache Partition:

Wiping the cache partition of the mobile help you to fix the problems on your mobile, including random glitches and errors. It can remove any temporary or corrupted data on your mobile. But ensure that you should proceed with the steps with caution. You have to back up the data to recover it later when you format your mobile accidentally.

  • You have to switch off the mobile.
  • Your job is to tap on the Power+ & Volume Down buttons simultaneously. However, you can find the combination differently on the device. Hence, you have to check it by searching “How to open recovery menu on <your phone model>” in Google.
  • The device starts booting into recovery mode when you tap on the right key combo.
  • In this case, you can take the help of volume keys to head towards the Wipe Cache Partition.
  • Hit the power button to choose and reset the cache partition.

Ensure that you are wiping only the cache partition, not your entire mobile. Otherwise, you will lose your data. Whether you tap on the wrong key combination mistakenly, you need to boot your device into download mode rather than the recovery menu, tapping and holding the power button.

Use Android Repair Tool:

If you are not willing to follow any manual ways and get rid of the problem, you should use the professional Android Repair Tool. It helps to solve the issue on the Android mobile. This one is a robust tool designed to fix Android-related problems, including Phones stuck in a boot loop, apps that keep crashing, black screen of death error, etc. First, you should download the software and install it on the PC. Then, follow the guide to solve the issue.

Factory Reset Your Device:

The final method you can try to solve this android.process.acore error is to perform a factory reset to your device. If you cannot solve the issue following the above methods, you must complete a factory reset on the android mobile. The process helps to erase all data, and you can get a backup of your data on an external SD card before performing a factory reset. In addition, it helps to reset the mobile to default factory settings and solve problems.

The Bottom Line:

These are all the methods you can apply to solve the error. Go through every step carefully to eliminate the annoying pop-up messages appearing on display repeatedly.

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AppsTechnology News

Google Pedometer | GMap Pedometer

Google Pedometer | GMap Pedometer

Have you heard of Google Pedometer before? However, you must know about the company at least. It is a multinational technology company offering information through the internet. Besides, it has been presenting new ideas and innovations continuously. As a user, you will never get disappointed.

What is a Pedometer?

It is a small device that you can adjust to your waist on your pants or belt. The device recognizes your movement and lets you know the number of steps you take. These are available in different options, and a few can display merely the steps. On the flip side, the fancy models help track the distance traveled, calories burned, etc. However, the primary task is to count steps.

But technology has developed for which people no more need to carry but every time while walking. Nowadays, hundreds of apps are available to help you count the number of steps. But it may seem to you that these are not accurate also. You should know that a pedometer is not correct either, and both cannot provide the exact number of steps taken, and you can get only the approximate number.


Sometimes, a smartwatch is more accurate than a mobile, and it can work as an application. The reason for that is the accuracy can vary depending on the condition and the quality of the mobile. Each mobile comes with an accelerometer that can provide accurate readings. But these are not reliable as a smartwatch or a fitness band, and it is because these are mainly for Fitness and other activities. As a result, their productivity may be higher than smartphones. However, if you have a flagship or a top-end phone, this tiny device can work as an actual pedometer. These use an algorithm helping you to calculate the steps based on generated movements and forces.

What is “Google Pedometer”?

Google Pedometer uses the default sensor to count the number of steps. But it is not a website; it is an app or a feature offered by Google.

What is The Most Impressive Thing About Google Pedometer?

What makes Google maps pedometer unique is that it is beneficial both with and without a smartwatch. It means that the “Google Fit” app can help you only to keep track of steps, although you don’t have a smartwatch, and you don’t need to buy the device to keep track of your steps. Rather than that, you can download this app to keep the steps in the count. It is compatible with both Android and i0S. The company can offer multiple apps and features for people’s needs. It helps to make the lives of people easier and more efficient.

Additional Information:

Google map pedometer can offer you information on your walking, running, cycling, and other activities throughout the day. The company’s (Wear OS) smartwatch and your mobile can detect your activities. It comes with a “Google Fit Journal,” ensuring that you stay on track by keeping tabs on workouts. In addition, it can offer different other activities. You merely have to choose the activity to pursue, including pilates, rowing, or spinning. The company helps to keep track of all the activities.

Along with helping to track these activities, they help to monitor your goals and other activities. You can set the goals after installing the application. After that, you can begin to use the app. You can get a report on your daily progress to stay on track and meet goals. Thus, it can help you to keep a healthy heart and mind.


  • Google pedometer takes the help of a built-in sensor to count your steps. But it doesn’t feature GPS tracking helping you to save battery. Besides, it helps to track your burned calories, walking distance and time, etc. Moreover, it can display all information in graphs.
  • It allows you to set daily step goals. In addition, it will begin a streak when you achieve your goal for two days or more. Further, it enables you to check your streak statistics chart to stay motivated.
  • You will get all features unlocked. In addition, most features are 100% free. Therefore, you do not need to invest money to use the features.
  • With the help of the step counter, you can easily save battery power.
  • It would be best to hit the Start button only to begin counting your steps. Then, when you keep your mobile in your hand, bag, pocket, or armband, you can record your steps automatically even if the screen is locked.
  • You do not have to sign in to the step counter, and they don’t collect private data or share information with third parties.
  • It allows you to pause and start step counting whenever you are willing to save power. Besides, the app can stop background-refreshing statistics after pausing it. You can even reset today’s step count. If you want, you can start counting steps from 0.
  • The app enables you to begin a separate walking training whenever you want, like a 30-minute walking exercise after dinner. When you are in the training mode, it can offer you a function to record your active time, your distance and burned calories, etc.

More Features:

The company’s Play Best of 2017 winning team designs the step tracker so cleanly that people can use it easily.

  • One of the most innovative features of the app is its report graphs. These are designed mainly for phones to assist you in tracking your walking data. It lets you see the weekly and monthly statistics in graphs. Moreover, they can offer you many colorful themes which are currently under development. In addition, the step tracker allows you to enjoy your step counting experience with it.

The Function of the Google Pedometer:

The step tracker comes with a lever arm inside, and it moves whenever any motion comes into your body. For example, if you are in a car, bus, train, or other public transport, your body will catch the vibration. As a result, it will count the vibration as a step. Therefore, you will not get the correct result.

Important Things to Know about the Google Pedometer:

  • If you’re willing to ensure step counting accuracy, you must enter the correct details in the settings. The reason for that is you need to use this to calculate your walking distance and calories.
  • The tracker allows you to adjust the sensitivity so that it can count your steps more precisely.
  • These come with a power-saving feature. Therefore, these can stop counting steps when the display is locked.
  • If your device is of an old version, you do not get features like step counting if the display is locked. This one is not a bug.
  • It uses the company’s Maps API to overlay user data onto Maps. You can plot the course of your walk with the help of the “record” function and tap on the points two times you have walked so far. It is lucrative while planning walks, bike rides, or even car trips.

How to Use Gmaps Pedometer for a Walk/Jog/Cycle:

The Google pedometer comes with s combination of cool mapping features with a digital pedometer. This specific feature is useful for walkers, runners, and cyclists as they can track the distance. You can get a Google pedometer available at You can set a feature to the left and a U.S. map to the right on the home page.

The section can calculate distances and draw paths automatically for runners and cyclists. Besides, it provides information on elevations. Also, the Google pedometer offers the information as a print map or as an external GPX link to load onto a GPS on mobile devices.


Before starting, ensure that you have read the Gmap Usage Instructions. You can use Google pedometer in many ways, and we have given you the easiest way to use it.

  • First, your task is to zoom in on your preferred location.
  • After that, you should choose the recording options. Then, hit the Start recording button.
  • Next, your job is to tap on every routing point two times. Hence, you can see a colored line appearing. When you tap on the bar two times, it will increment.
  • Finally, you should save the route. Then, you can get a URL that you can bookmark and link to your route.

Google Map Pedometer to Track Your Activities:

Suppose you are willing to job around a whole campus. Then, you should know the circumference. In this case, your task is to get the map with the entire locale of the walk visually within the map range. After that, begin your recording and place your markers along the walking path. Whether you are willing to draw the path manually, you should tap the button available near manually (straight lines).

You can find map formats as the default street maps, satellite maps, a hybrid view, topographical maps, and terrain maps.

Using the Google pedometer, you can calculate your calorie consumption and elevation, and it lets you know the amount of effort you have exerted. In addition, the tracker uses Maps to chart a running route and determine the distance.

Suppose you are a marathon runner if, for the first time, you may want to know the exact distance without dragging a GPS or pedometer around on your run. G Maps can help you hence by allowing you to set it to English or metric units, and it helps to mark mileage or kilometers. In addition, it will enable you to generate a permalink to the page. Finally, you can make a shortcut to create a TinyUrl used to cut and paste into an email or bookmark.

If you are willing, you can set your map into satellite or hybrid mode, helping you to go off the right road or trail. After the completion, you can zoom out the map. After that, generate your permalinks and TinyUrls from there.

However, the mile marker can appear in the wrong place, and it doesn’t indicate the wrong mileage point along your course, and the mile marker can appear fully off of your course.

The Bottom Line:

Google pedometer offers some features to keep you fit and staying fit. The excellent features, including Fitness, regular exercise, and physical activity, are lucrative for attaining powerful muscles, bones, and better immunity.

It helps develop your respiratory, cardiovascular, and overall health. But, of course, staying fit is a more significant task than becoming fit. So, with the help of the app, users can stay active. Besides, it doesn’t display any symptoms of lethargy.

The tracker can maintain a healthy weight and decreases your risk of certain diseases & infections. When you open the app, you need to enter a little information, i.e., date of birth, gender, height, and weight.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Does Google have a Pedometer?

Yes, we know it as Google fit, and it has been considered a threat to Apple Health. However, whereas Apple Health is suitable for only Apple devices, it allows users to access any android device and even iOS.

Sometimes, the tracker can count steps of vibration or motion caused by bus rides or bike rides. However, it asks you also to confirm whether or not it was, and you should say no so that it doesn’t make a mistake. Ensure that optimum usage is required by completing the Google pedometer day-by-day.

  • What is Google Map Pedometer?

It is used for Running, Walking, Cycling, and Hiking.

  • Is Google Fit steps accurately?

You should enable GPS to get  99 to 100% accuracy when using it.

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AppsDo It YourselfInternetTechnology News

Windows 11 Tips and Tricks

Windows 11 Tips and Tricks

In the last few years, you may have tried many things and discovered innovative ways to get things done from home, like your job, homework, connecting with dear ones, etc. Nowadays, technology has progressed a lot, but still, there are many things to improve when it comes to communicating and collaborating. However, windows 11 tips and tricks can quickly fix the issue.

We have given here many windows 11 tips and tricks, letting you know that you can make most of the updated version. These new updates can offer a simple user experience that can quickly become familiar with it.

Top Windows 11 Tips and Tricks:

Get Started:

When you enable your Windows to back up your apps, Get Started will take you to a list of the apps on your old device. It allows you to select what you prefer to load on your new device. In this case, it is better to restore all of your old version photos, docs, and files to the upgraded one rather than beginning it ultimately. These prompts enable you to select what to migrate to the computer. Hence, the Get Started app can apply the preferences and settings. In addition, it allows you to transfer apps and programs.

Start and Taskbar:

These are available in the front and center. You can make these things possible with fewer clicks and swipes. First, your task is to head towards Start and find anything. After that, a centralized search allows you to find the web and computer from one place. Next, you need to look for browsers, tabs, and folders. Finally, it lets you find new visual elements and sounds, smooth animations, new buttons, toggles, and fonts. With the help of the new layout and navigation, you can make complex things easier.

Snap Assist and Desktop Groups:

These are useful in arranging the apps on the desktop. For example, if you have already opened multiple windows, you can drag these to the edge of the screen to turn on Snap Assist. It helps snap them into an arranged grid, making most of the display space. As soon as you have completed upgrading to the new version, it will remember the way you have placed the apps, whether you use external or many displays.

While plugging the computer back in, you will get everything back into its position. Desktop Groups allow you to switch between many desktops quickly. For example, suppose one may have apps including Word, Microsoft Edge, and Teams opened, whereas another may have PowerPoint, OneNote, and a music player. The new version has four standard pre-configured layouts and two extra ones for displays. In addition, it offers effective screen resolutions of 1920×1080 or higher.


Do you want to find things quickly that matter to you most, like to-do lists, upcoming meetings, and news? In this case, you will need one place to get things done quickly. Now, you can enjoy the Widgets in the new version’s Taskbar. Your job is to tap or swipe from the display’s left side first. Then, instead of looking for it in separate apps, tabs, and pages, it lets you see the content you curate. In addition, you can get personalized content, including reminders, stocks, sports scores, social media, and local weather. If necessary, you have to take the help of the Interests page under Manage Interests to find topics and publishers.

Microsoft Store:

The Microsoft Store is now available with a new design. It also offers different apps, shows, and movies, from casual gaming to professional editing. In addition, windows and developers combined work to provide you with more content. This new Microsoft Store features tools including Preview and Search that assist in searching for what you want.

With the help of these tools, including Dark Web monitoring, automatic price comparisons, and vertical tabs, it becomes easier to stay safe online and save money while shopping. Besides, these help to keep you organized and focused. In addition, Microsoft Edge lets you know if your password-protected on the browser matches with those available in the list of leaked credentials. After that, it will prompt you to update your password. In this case, Password Monitor helps to scan for matches. For example, you have joined a bank recently and set up your online account, and it allows you to create a secure password to keep the account secured.

While checking out, Microsoft Edge helps save more money by applying coupons to the order. In addition, using the Sleeping tabs, you can keep the focus on current projects.

Chat Support from Microsoft Teams:

It is possible to attach the computer with any of your contacts. You can chat and do audio & video calling from iOS, Android, PC, or Mac. It enables you to stay on the call for up to a day. Therefore, you do not even need to drop and dial back in. It is one of the great windows 11 tips and tricks.

Touch, Voice, and Pen Inputs:

The digital pen, touchscreen, and voice typing feature help work more quickly than previously. For example, you can record your voice with your mobile and playback it to transcribe your words into text. In addition, your computer may have a microphone that can process your speech immediately using voice typing – text transcription.

In addition, it lets you detect inflection and rhythm for adding essential punctuation. The new version makes writing or drawing possible. Besides, it allows you to annotate PDFs. Moreover, it enables you to take the help of a digital pen to make the most of both worlds. It is possible to personalize the new Pen menu with favorite apps for quick access.


Smartphones have become very handy nowadays for their touchscreens. But taking notes is not so simple. If the new version PC has a touchscreen, you can take notes instantly with a digital pen. In addition, the windows 11 tips and tricks allow you to use natural gestures like multi-finger gestures to navigate quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What cool things can it do?

These are a few hidden features of the updated version:

  • Multitasking features.
  • Background apps permission.
  • Clipboard history features.
  • Better security.
  • Manage volume for individual apps opened on a desktop.


  • Does it improve performance?

Compared to the earlier version, it can hold some potential to improve the PC speed.

  • What does it do differently?

It comes with a new design containing a centered Start menu and Taskbar. Besides, it brings a Mac-like interface to the OS. In addition, it comes in a clean design with rounded corners and pastel shades.

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AppsInternetInternet Security

What is Gstatic & What is Used for?

What is Gstatic & What is Used for?

If you are surfing the web daily, you can face appearing on display. Multiple people don’t know what it is and think of it as a virus or malware. In this article, we have covered all details about it.

What is Gstatic?

Gstatic is a service that Google uses to hold static content and decrease bandwidth usage. Google LLC uses this reliable domain to boost network speed for users.

What is, How does Google use it? is a web domain that Google uses to access its driver where Google hosts images, javascript, CSS, and other contents. It helps the content load more quickly from the content delivery network or CDN.

The domain helps to boost network performance, decrease bandwidth usage. Besides, it allows you to load Gmail, Google Maps, and other Google services. You can store different static data such as JS libraries, stylesheets, etc. The domain can verify the connectivity to the web, especially for Chrome browser and Android devices.

It comes with a few Subdomains: – It sends requests to the Google Fonts API, and these consist of resource-specific domains like or – The domain allows you to embed Google Maps images on the web page, and you don’t need JavaScript or any dynamic page loading. – The domain helps to improve the performance of other sites.

These are a few other examples of subdomains

Browser hijackers and other cybercriminals use a counterfeit version of the domain to install unnecessary applications and adware. The programs do not disclose details about apps bundled with them. We advise you to install third-party software only from trustworthy sources. Running a scan can also help you check if there is any virus.

Adware-type software or browser hijackers offer unwanted pop-ups installed on the devices without the user’s consent. For example, the adware can offer coupons, banners, pop-ups, and other intrusive advertisements.

You may find the ads disturbing as these can redirect you to untrustworthy sites. Besides, these can run scripts that can download PUAs or potentially unwanted applications and install them. It can cause harm and create issues like high-risk infections.

The browser hijacker software can change browser settings and options like search engine, new tab URL, and homepage. As a result, people can encounter redirects to untrustworthy websites. Besides, it can store IP addresses, keystrokes, search queries, geo-locations, URLs of visited websites, etc., including personal or sensitive details. The software can leak information to third parties, and they misuse the details to make revenue. Thus, you can experience different privacy safety issues.

Is it a Virus?

It is a legitimate Google service used to decrease bandwidth usage and enhance network performance. The service doesn’t have any relation to harmful activities. Therefore, if you find any unnecessary pop-ups appearing, you can scan them for viruses and malware.

What are Gstatic Images?

These indicate the images that you can find on representing the cached version of all the images stored on Google’s servers. They boost the delivery of image results.

Can you remove it?

Many people think that it is malware, but it isn’t. You can remove the service by following the procedure given below in the article. Error?

You can see the URL: opening up automatically in a new tab. The page is blank with “Untitled” as its title.

If you face a misconfigured network and unstable connection, it can trigger the problem. It is because the browser thinks that it can sign in to the Captive portal. Here, the new WiFi users should enter the sign-in details for security purposes.

What is

It is a subdomain of used by Chrome and Android devices. The function of the domain is to check if you have internet access to your connected network. If not, the browser can load the captive portal login web page or enable you to access the internet.

Should you Block

You should not block the subdomain. It may not create significant problems, but the subdomain helps check internet access. Therefore, we advise you not to mess with it. Keeps Loading:

While opening a website on the Chrome browser, you can see a message Waiting for available in the bottom left corner. The Page displayed doesn’t load, and you see the URL continuously. If there exists any problem, you can solve it by following the processes.

  1. Allow and Delete Cookies for the Page:

If something gets blocked, you can allow the cookies by tapping on the little lock next to the URL. If you are willing, try to delete cookies for that specific domain. After that, your task is to refresh the page and check if it loads.

  1. Change DNS Settings on the device:

Try to change Domain Name System (DNS) settings to fix the problem.

Uninstall from Windows:

If you’re willing to eliminate the potentially unwanted programs from Windows OSs, you should follow the steps.

For Windows 11:

First, tap on the Start icon and choose the Apps and Features option.

A window will open where you need to look for the app you are willing to uninstall. As soon as you find the app, tap on the three vertical dots. Now, choose the Uninstall option.

For Windows 10/8 :

  • When the windows search box appears, you need to enter the Control Panel. After that, tap on “Enter” or the search result.
  • Choose to Uninstall a program available below Programs.
  • Look for the entry of the suspicious program available in the list.
  • Tap on the app and then choose Uninstall.
  • When the option User Account Control appears, tap on Yes.
  • Finally, you should wait until the uninstallation method is not finished and tap on OK.

Windows 7/XP user:

  • Your job is to tap on the Windows Start and then go to the Control Panel available on the right pane. People who use Windows XP need to tap on Add/Remove Programs.
  • When you open the Control Panel, you should choose Programs and Uninstall a program afterward.
  • Choose the unwanted app by tapping on it once.
  • Tap on the Uninstall/Change option available at the top.
  • Choose the Yes option available in the confirmation prompt.
  • Hit the OK button as soon as the removal process is completed.

Delete from macOS:

If you are willing to delete it from Mac, you should go through the steps.

Remove Items from the Applications Folder:

  • Go to the menu bar, and then you should choose Go > Applications.
  • Open the Applications folder and find all related entries.
  • Tap on the app and then drag to the option Trash. If you want, right-click and select the option Move to Trash.

If you want to delete an unwanted app, ensure that you should access the Application Support, LaunchAgents, and LaunchDaemons folders.

  • After that, your task is to delete relevant files.
  • Choose the option Go and then Go to Folder.
  • Tap on /Library/Application Support and hit the option Go. Next, you may tap Enter option.
  • While opening the Application Support folder, you should find dubious entries and remove them afterward.
  • You should enter /Library/LaunchAgents and /Library/LaunchDaemons folders similarly and terminate all .plist files.

Remove from Microsoft Edge:

Delete Unwanted Extensions from MS Edge:

  • Choose Menu, i.e., three horizontal dots available at the top-right of the browser window. After that, you should choose the Extensions option.
  • Select the extension from the list and then hit the Gear icon.
  • At last, you should tap on Uninstall at the bottom.

Clear Cookies and Other Browser Data:

  • Tap the Menu, i.e., three horizontal dots at the top-right of the browser window. Next, you should choose Privacy & security.
  • Select the option Choose what to clear below the Clear browsing data.
  • Apart from the passwords, you can choose everything. After that, tap on the option Clear.

Restore New Tab and Homepage Settings:

  • Your job is to hit the menu icon and select Settings after that.
  • Next, your task is to look for the On startup section.
  • Finally, tap on Disable if there is any suspicious domain.

Reset MS Edge:

  • If something doesn’t work, you should tap on Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
  • Hit the More details arrow available at the bottom of the window.
  • After that, choose the Details tab.
  • Scroll the Page down and find each entry with the Microsoft Edge name. Tap on every item and choose the option End Task to stop MS Edge from running.

Take the help of an advanced Edge reset method if you cannot fix the issue following the procedure. Ensure that you have backed up your information before proceeding.

  • Your first task is to look for the folder available on the PC: C:\\Users\\%username%\\AppData\\Local\\Packages\\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe.
  • Tap on Ctrl + A available on the keyboard to choose all folders.
  • Hit the option, and after that, you should choose Delete.
  • Next, tap on the Start button and choose Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  • As soon as the new window opens, your job is to copy the command and paste it. After pasting the command, you need to tap Enter. The command is as follows—

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose

Instructions for Chromium-Based Edge:

Delete extensions from MS Edge (Chromium):

  • Navigate to the Edge and open it. After that, your job is to tap on select Settings and Extensions, respectively.
  • Tap on Remove to delete unwanted extensions.

Clear Cache and Site Data:

  • Tap on the Menu option and head towards the Settings.
  • Choose the Privacy and services option.
  • After that, your task is to select Choose what to clear option available below Clear browsing data.
  • Choose All times available below the Time range.
  • Finally, your task is to choose the option Clear now.

Reset Chromium-based MS Edge:

  • Your first job is to hit Menu, and after that, choose Settings.
  • Next, select Reset settings available on the left side of the display.
  • Now, you have to choose the Restore settings to their default values.
  • Finally, tap on Reset for confirmation.

Remove from Mozilla Firefox (FF):

Try to reset the browser by following the steps manually.

Remove Dangerous Extensions:

  • First, your task is to head towards the Mozilla Firefox browser and open it. Then, your job is to tap on the Menu, three horizontal lines available at the window’s top-right.
  • Next, choose Add-ons.
  • Finally, you should choose the unwanted plugin and then tap on Remove.

Reset the Homepage:

  • Tap on the three horizontal lines you can see at the top right corner for opening the Menu.
  • Next, your task is to select Options.
  • If you are willing, you can put the preferred site under Home options. Then, you can open it whenever you open Mozilla Firefox.

Clear Cookies and Site Data:

  • Tap on the Menu and select Options.
  • Head towards the Privacy & Security section.
  • After that, your job is to scroll the page down to find Cookies and Site Data.
  • Tap on the Clear Data.
  • Finally, your job is to choose the Cookies, Site Data, and Cached Web Content. After that, you need to hit Clear.

Reset Mozilla Firefox:

If you can’t solve the issue by resetting the browser, you must follow the steps.

  • Head towards the Mozilla browser and tap on Menu.
  • Move to the Help and select Troubleshooting Information.
  • Tap Refresh Firefox available below the Give Firefox a tune-up section.
  • As soon as you can see the pop-up on the screen, tap on the Refresh Firefox to confirm the action.

Remove from Google Chrome:

Delete Malicious Extensions from Google Chrome:

  • Your first task is to move to Google Chrome and open it. Tap on the Menu option, three vertical dots at the top-right corner. After that, choose More Tools and Extensions, respectively.
  • You can see all the installed extensions in the newly opened window.
  • Finally, tap on Remove to uninstall the suspicious plugins related to the unwanted program.

Clear Cache and Web Data from Chrome:

  • You have to tap on the “Menu” option and choose Settings.
  • Choose the option Clear browsing data available below the Privacy and security.
  • Next, you should choose Browsing history, cookies, and Cached images and files.
  • Finally, tap on the Clear data.

Change Your Homepage:

  • Your job is to tap on the menu option and then select Settings.
  • Next, find a suspicious site if there is any in the On startup section.
  • Next, tap on the option “Open” a specific set of pages. Now, hit three dots to find the Remove option.

Reset Google Chrome:

Try to reset Google Chrome to eliminate the unnecessary components when the above steps are not helpful.

  • You should first tap on Menu and choose Settings.
  • Scroll the Page of Settings down and tap Advanced.
  • You should scroll down to find the Reset and clean up section.
  • Tap on the Restore settings to the actual defaults.
  • Finally, click on the Reset settings for confirmation.

How to Perform a System Scan?

If you are willing to check if the PC is safe from viruses, you need to run a full system scan. Running a scan will help your device isolate and eradicate malware from the PC.

  • Your first job is to tap on “Windows” + “I” to open Settings.
  • After that, your task is to tap on the “Update & Security” and choose “Windows Security” from the left pane.
  • Now, you should choose the “Virus and Threat Protection” option. Then, hit the “Scan Options” button.
  • Tap on the “Full Scan” option and hit the “Scan Now” button.
  • After tapping on the button, the defender can scan the PC to ensure that your device is safe from viruses.

The Bottom Line:

Gstatic is something you can find in your browsing history or anywhere else. I hope after reading this article; now you know what it is.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What exactly is this gstatic Page?

It resembles a Google static code page to create an HTTP 204 No Content response.

  • How do you turn it off?

Look for the app you are willing to uninstall in the opened window. After finding the app, you should tap on the three vertical dots and choose Uninstall. Then, if necessary, you can perform a scan on the pc to check for malware infections or remaining unnecessary components.

  • Is it a tracker?

As per, the service tracks around 39.6% of internet traffic, its tracking share is increasing each month. But there is nothing to take tension as it delivers content only, and the service will not track personal activity.

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How to View the Clipboard History on Android & Windows

How to View the Clipboard History on Android & Windows

The Clipboard is an area in mobile where you can find the copied data before pasting it into the target location. However, it can store one element only. Therefore, your Windows replaces contents while copying something every time for which you are unable to retrieve the data you have copied before. For instance, if you forgot to paste any text after copying and then if you copy another text, you will lose the earlier one forever. Let us know How to View the Clipboard History on Android & Windows.

What is a Clipboard?

Clipboard lets you copy and paste various data types. Hence, the information may be text, images, binary stream data, etc.

What is Clipboard History?

Clipboard History is an app enabling you to copy & paste anywhere, edit, manage, remove clips easily. Besides, it is possible to access items very fast. A few Android mobiles enable you to access it, while others only showcase the earlier copied content.

It is a set of all data you have copied to the application, such as different format texts— plain text, RTF, HTML, images, file lists, etc. If you are willing to access it, you need to use specific software. We advise you to use Clipdiary. The software can remember copied items like plain text and text with formatting (RTF), HTML, pictures, and files. However, if you use a Samsung phone, you cannot access the file without rooting the mobile. Take the help of a clipboard manager app to access it on the android device.

What Gets Stored in Clipboard?

It was available first in Windows 10’s October 2018 Update. Recently, it has been compatible with text, HTML, and images coming in less than 4 MB size. But, unfortunately, you can’t store oversized content there.

It can save up to a maximum of 25 entries. In addition, the app will reset each time you reboot the device till you pin an item to it.

How to View the Clipboard History on Android Mobile:

You can view the app in a few ways, even on android devices that don’t come with the default function. The way you view it on your android phone relies on the type of model you use. Despite sharing similar OS, android mobiles differ in multiple features, where a keyboard is one of them.

In most cases, smartphones come with built-in clipboards. But a few devices allow you to view the history.

You should follow the way to view the app on the devices.

  • First, your task is to navigate to Messages, Notes, Email, or any place you are willing to paste a message from it.
  • You should now press the display and hold it to access several options.
  • After that, you should choose the option “Clipboard.”
  • Finally, you have to turn it off to see the complete history.

Unfortunately, most android mobiles don’t come with the feature. Rather than that, these enable you to paste the most recent item that you have copied. You can view the app and manage it, but it needs installing third-party apps.

Best Ways to Check and Recover Clipboard History on Android Using Keyboard Apps:

Most android mobiles have default keyboards, but many people are there who want to install a third-party keyboard app. The reason is that keyboard apps provide exciting features like clipboard managers.


It is one of the most famous keyboard apps. Gboard is the official keyboard of Google and is simple to use. Over one billion people have downloaded the Gboard app from the play store, and multiple new devices have Gboard pre-installed.

We have given here the process to use it to set up and view on the android device.

  • You should ensure that you have completely installed the software and set it as the default keyboard. You should download it from the Play Store if you have not installed the software.
  • Tap on the clipboard icon above the letters while writing in Gboard.
  • Hit the option “Turn on Clipboard.”
  • You should copy the items you are willing to save in the app.
  • After that, tap on the clipboard icon again, and view the copied items below the option “Recent.”
  • The software allows you to save all the items you have copied forever by pinning. Hence, you should tap on the clip and hold it for a while. Now, you can find the software available under “Pinned.”
  • You need to remember that the feature will not work if you make the feature disabled. As soon as you disable it, Gboard will not save items that you have copied, and you will not find any way to retrieve them.


It is a fantastic keyboard app with clipboard options. The process of accessing the app and viewing the history is as follows:

  • Use the app first. Whether the app is not available, you should download it from the Play Store.
  • Next, your task is to copy the items you are willing to save to the app.
  • Hit the clipboard icon, 3rd one from the left.
  • The items you have copied are available, with the most recent one at the top. It allows you to pin specific items and stop them from expiring. Tap the pin on the right part of the items you are willing to save.

Other Apps:

Multiple keyboard apps have specific features. These may have different features, but in most cases, they offer good options that provide more control over the items in most cases. We advise you to go with Chrooma and Ai.type. However, multiple apps are available, giving excellent features.

How to View the Clipboard History on Android & WindowsUsing Dedicated Clipboard Apps

Use this type of app to view the app. It is a perfect choice for those who copy & paste different content and want to use a solution to organize it. A few apps provide more features than famous keyboard apps like Gboard. These let you arrange copied items into categories, turn into QR codes, and translate them into different languages.


It is a famous app available on the Play Store. The app provides multiple features making the model easier to control.

The process of viewing the app in Clipper is:-

  • You should make sure that the software is available on your mobile. If you have not installed it previously, you should download the software from the Play Store.
  • After that, your job is to hit the option “Clipboard.”
  • Now, the copied items are available in front of the display. You will find the most recent article available at the top of the list.
  • The app lets you save automatically everything you have copied and add your clippings manually. Tap the plus sign available at the bottom-right and then write the clipping.
  • It is possible to access the app through the status bar and save time if you want to view it.
  • The software allows you to pin items that you use often and helps to sort these into different categories.

Clipboard Manager:

It can make the app managing a breeze. More than one million people have downloaded it from the Play Store.

Use the software to view the app by following these steps—

  • You need to make sure that the software is available on the android device. If the software is not available on your mobile, you should download it from the Play Store.
  • Next, your job is to open the application.
  • Then, you can find the copied items available below the “Clipboard” section, where the most recent articles are available at the top.
  • When you install the software, it will sync with the android device. If you are going to copy a text on the mobile, you will automatically find this in the app. The app lets you adjust the app manually, indicating that it helps to add text within the app.

It is possible to add favorite clipboards, create many categories, use the Search option to navigate quickly, merge notes, etc. You can access the app from the status bar directly. Besides, you may use the “Smart actions” feature by going there, making it separate from the rest. It allows you to include new notes, run a Google or Wikipedia search, or translate various content.

Other Apps:

Clip Stack and Clipboard Actions & Notes are examples of other apps enabling you to manage. These let you use them freely and don’t contain any ads. The Standalone apps are ideal for people willing not to change the default keyboard but often use copy & paste features.


We have given here a few tips to help to use its functions safely.

  • Ensure that you should not keep sensitive details in the app. Try not to save passwords, SSNs, PINs, or credit card details, as these may go to the wrong hands. If you use any third-party app, the probability is higher. You should download reputable apps only with positive reviews.
  • While providing app permissions, you should know that some apps can access it without you knowing.
  • Whether you are using an app that you may access from the status bar directly, ensure its showing details.

How to Check and Recover Clipboard History on Android:

If you copy something in your email before copying another text, you can check and recover content from the app. The two ways let you know how to retrieve any text copied previously without losing them.

  1. Using Google keyboard (Gboard):

With the help of Google keyboard, you can view and recover the history on your mobile. In addition, you can find a clipboard manager in multiple keyboard apps enabling you to access previously-copied texts.

Most devices have installed the app already, and it has been working with the feature for two years. So these are the steps to check and recover it on the mobile device.

Step 1: Press the clipboard icon beside the Google logo while typing with Gboard.

It will launch the feature of Gboard.

Step 2: If you are willing to recover any specific text from the app, you only need to click on it to paste it into the text box. Texts will not remain in the Gboard after an hour by default.

Pin the copied text manually if you are willing to stay here. Hence, your task is to click on the clip and hold it. After that, choose the pin icon. You can now see the clip moved to the Pinned section of the clipboard manager.

Ensure that you have enabled the feature to get the best from the app. For example, while launching the feature, the app will say ‘Gboard clipboard is off,’ and you should toggle on it with the help of the switch.

If you find the feature disabled, Gboard can’t back up the copied texts, and you cannot recover them. Whether you cannot find or use the feature on the app, assure that you have updated the app. To update the app, go to the google play store on the device.

  1. Use dedicated Clipboard Apps:

Using third-party apps is another way to retrieve the content on the device. Compared to Gboard, the apps can offer advanced and quick copying and pasting features. If you need to copy and paste plenty of texts, you will find a few of the apps helpful.

These apps can encode the app content into QR codes and share the clips with others. Multiple apps are available on the Google Play Store.

How to Clear the Android Clipboard:

Are you using the Clipper Clipboard Manager? If yes, you may see a Delete option while choosing the three dots to the right of a selection. Use the option to clear out the items.

  • Turn on the Gboard keyboard and use it. If you don’t find the app available on your mobile, you may install it from Google Play.
  • Navigate to the messaging app and open it on the android phone. After that, hit the + symbol to the left of the text field.
  • You should now choose the keyboard icon. As soon as the keyboard appears, your task is to select the > symbol at the top. Finally, hit the clipboard icon for opening the app on your android.
  • Whether you have not used it before on the android device, a notification appears on your mobile to enable the Gboard.

If you are willing to enable the Gboard, you should click on the option Turn on the Clipboard.

  • You can copy anything and check it on the Google Android keyboard again. You can find a list of current items you have added.
  • Hit the edit icon to delete any of the items from the Clipboard.
  • Choose every item that you are willing to delete. After that, your task is to hit the trash icon to delete.

The clipboard manager with the default keyboard app relies on the android mobile and brand. For instance, you will find a tool that depends mainly on your Android phone Samsung Keyboard. The keyboard is the initial way to access the software without an app.

Best Ways to Check and Recover Clipboard History in Windows 11:

clipboard WindowsHow to Enable the Clipboard App:

Two ways are possible to enable the app— the Settings app or emoji panel.

Enable from Settings:

If you are willing to enable it through the Settings app, you should follow these steps.

  • Your first job is to navigate to the Settings and open it.
  • Tap on the System.
  • Tap the app’s page available on the right side.
  • Now, your task is to open the settings of the software.
  • After that, enable the app toggle switch.
  • As soon as you finish the steps, you may start copying and pasting, with an extra interface letting you adjust the contents you copied.

Enable from Emoji Panel:

If you want to enable it through the emoji panel, you must follow the steps.

  • Your first job is to invoke the Windows key + V keyboard shortcut.
  • Hit the Turn on button.
  • As it is a part of the emoji panel, you may access the feature with the help of the Windows key +; or Windows key + . keyboard shortcuts. Thus, you can open the “Clipboard” tab.

How to Sync:

While enabling the app, it is possible to configure the feature to upload and sync the contents you have copied across devices connected to the Microsoft account.

The process of syncing to the cloud and across devices is as follows:

  • First, go to the Settings and open it.
  • Then, tap on the System.
  • Next, tap the app page available on the right side.
  • After that, you should enable the Sync across the devices toggle switch.
  • Then, choose the sync option to use with it.

Automatically sync text that I copy — It will sync to the cloud and across the devices connected to the same Microsoft account.

Never automatically sync text that I copy — Hence, your job is to choose the contents you are willing to upload to the cloud to make these available across devices.

As soon as you finish the steps, the items stored will sync across the devices. In addition, it enables you to paste text and images you previously copied on other devices.

How to Use:

  • It can work similarly to the classic experience. The interface allows you to review and adjust the stored content, the only difference from the classic experience. While selecting the sync option, you can paste text and images uploaded across devices to the app.
  • As soon as you enable the feature, continue to use both the Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V
  • keyboard shortcut to copy and paste, respectively. With the help of the context menu or the command bar in File Explorer, it is possible to do the same.
  • The Windows key + V keyboard shortcut can open the emoji panel to see the list of items copied from other apps like Microsoft Edge, Word, OneNote, Notepad, etc.

Copy and Paste:

If you are willing to copy & paste content with the feature, follow the steps.

  • You should go to an app and open it.
  • Choose the text or image. You should know that the app allows you to copy images from specific apps like the Snipping Tool. Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to copy image files to the app. However, you can copy & paste files usually, though these don’t appear in the interface.
  • Tap on the selection and select the Copy (or Cut) option.
  • Switch to the application for pasting the content.
  • After that, your job is to invoke the Windows key + V keyboard shortcut.
  • If you are willing to paste the content, choose the item to paste it.
  • Whether you are willing to paste as text without formatting from the source, you should tap the See more (three-dotted) menu. After that, your job is to tap on the Paste as Text option.
  • As soon as you finish the steps, you can see the text or image appearing in the app, relying on the output selection.

Manage Items:

If you are willing to manage items in history, use the steps.

  • Your first task is to invoke the Windows key + V keyboard shortcut.
  • Then, hit the Pin button to quickly access the content you frequently use.
  • Next, tap the See more (three-dotted) menu button. Then, your job is to tap the Delete option for removing the items from the history.
  • As soon as you finish the steps, you will not get the text or image available in the history.

How to Clear Clipboard:

If you are willing to delete all items in the history, use the steps.

  • Navigate to the Settings and open it.
  • After that, your job is to tap on the System.
  • Next, you need to tap the app’s page on the right side.
  • You should now open the app’s settings by going there.
  • Hit the Clear button for the “Clear clipboard data” setting.
  • As soon as you finish the steps, you will find the history cleared on the mobile, except pinned items.

How to disable the app:

First, perform the four steps of the previous section.

Now, you have to disable the Clipboard history toggle switch.

As soon as you finish the steps, you can copy and paste them as before. But you will not get any access to the history. Besides, the contents are not going to sync across devices.

How to Check and Recover Clipboard History on Windows 10:

How to Enable:

  • Your first job is to hit the “Start” button. After that, you have to tap on the “Gear” icon available on the left side of the Start menu. Thus, you can open the “Windows Settings” menu. If necessary, then tap on the Windows+i to get there.
  • While in the Windows Settings, you should tap on “System.”
  • As soon as you are on the Settings sidebar, tap on the “Clipboard.” You should find the “Clipboard history” section in the app settings. Then, your task is to toggle the switch to “On.”
  • Now, you have enabled it. Turn off Settings and use the feature in any app.

How to View the app:

  • As soon as you have enabled it, a list of items will appear in front of the display you have copied recently while using any app.
  • If you are willing to view it on Windows 10, your first job is to tap Windows+V.
  • As soon as you tap there, you can see a small window popping up. You will find the most recent copied items available at the top of the list.
  • Tap on any item in the list to paste it into an open app.
  • If you are willing to remove items from there, you should tap on the ellipses (three dots) beside the item that you want to delete. Then, choose the option “Delete” from the small menu popping up.
  • Whether you are willing to remove all items from there, you should tap on the “Clear All” In the ellipses menu.
  • However, you can pin an item on the list. Thus, you can see the option available on the list although you restart the PC or tap on the option “Clear All.” Then, you have to tap on the three-dot menu and choose “Pin.” It is possible to unpin the item later by choosing “Unpin” from the ellipses menu.

You will find a different look at the interface on older versions of Windows. Follow the steps for the devices running a build before 1909.

As soon as you use the Windows+V keyboard shortcut, you can see a small floating window. It is available near the app you use, or all windows remain closed or reduced in the lower-right corner of the display. Items you have last copied will appear at the top of the list.

If you keep the window opened, tap on any item in the list to paste it into an open document. Whether you are willing to remove items from there, you should tap on the small “X” beside an item on the list. It is possible to clear the whole list. But to do so, you need to tap on the option “Clear All” in the window’s upper-right corner.

Tap on the small pushpin icon beside the item to pin an item to the list. The item is available on the list even if you restart the PC or tap on the option “Clear All.”

How to Disable the App:

If you are willing to disable it in Windows 10, you should move to Settings. After that, go to the System and the app. Next, you need to look for the option “Clipboard history,” After that, toggle the switch to “Off.”

After disabling the option, a small window will appear when you tap Windows+V. It lets you know that Windows 10 cannot display your app as the feature is not enabled.

Use the Clipboard App on a Mac:

Mac does not enable you to use it like windows. The Operating System allows you to paste only the most recently cut or copied item.

You may install a third-party tool. Multiple tools are available to select, such as CopyClip, or PasteBot.


The article lets you know how to view the app on Android devices. Besides, we expect you to like our recommended keyboard and clipboard apps.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How do you view the app in Chrome?

As soon as you are ready to paste or take a peek at the application, you should tap on the Search/Launcher key+v. After tapping there, you can see the floating clipboard manager.

  • Where is the app stored?

Navigate to Settings, System, and the app, respectively, and then your task is to enable the switch for the app. Tap on the Win key+V to see it. Now, you can see all the copied items available in recent history.

  • Where is the app on Gmail?

You can find this on the keyboard while the cursor is available on the subject line for Gmail. But it isn’t available on the keyboard if the cursor is available in the body of the email.


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How to Ping a Phone?

How to Ping a Phone?

As a mobile user, you may want to find the location of someone’s mobile like your kid, any employee, etc. Besides, you may need to check if your mobile is active or getting network connectivity. You can ping a phone in this case. Have you faced such a situation? You will be glad to hear that many ways help you hence. The process is known as ‘pinging a phone.’ In this article, you will learn how to ping a phone.

What does it mean to Ping a Mobile Phone?

Pinging a device indicates knowing the device’s location that you want to check. Almost all major operating systems are compatible with this network utility, and Android, iOS, and other operating systems support this feature.

Technically, ping means a signal to the mobile querying about its network location. Then, the mobile will respond to the request with the required details. This technology takes the help of the device’s GPS location.

Use-cases for Pinging a Phone:

Its primary purpose is to find the location of the mobile. However, there are a few reasons why you may want to find the location of a mobile.

  • It enables you to find the location of a phone you have lost or stolen.
  • Using the technology, you can watch your kid’s or employee’s location.
  • You can keep people with a criminal record.
  • Spy apps are used to perform the operations. You should know that spying on someone is illegal without their will.

How does pinging a phone technology work?

Two methods are there to locate a cell phone location by the cellular network provider— Pinging and Triangulation. The first is a digital method, whereas the second is an analog method to find a device location.

To “ping” indicates sending a signal to a specific mobile phone and getting a response with the requested data. While pinging a new digital mobile, it will determine the latitude and longitude through GPS, and then, it will send the coordinates back through the SMS system.

Why ping a mobile?

People use modern technology to find the location of a stolen or lost Android or iPhone device. Likewise, using the technology, you can track the live locations of criminal people.

Besides, the android spy app companies use the technology to keep track of users’ devices. So guardians who are willing to keep track of their kids’ location can use different spy apps.

However, without the person’s permission, spying on them or tracking a device’s location is illegal. So it would be best if you let the person know, like your kid, about using the technology before installing any spy apps.

How to Ping a Phone?

How to Ping a Phone?Multiple mobiles are there supporting the ping functionality. But mobiles released currently don’t come with the feature enabled. Therefore, if you are willing to ping the devices, you will require specialized apps on the mobile. PingD, Google Find My Phone, etc., are a few examples helping to return the ping request. Therefore, you should ensure that you have the apps installed and configured on the system before you proceed. Besides, remember that you cannot ping a mobile that is turned off. However, having a firewall installed on the system does not allow other devices to ping the mobile. Besides, if the AP Isolation feature is turned on the router, other devices may not work.

Ping from a Phone:

  • It would be best to launch the App Store or Play Store first. Then, look for Ping.
  • After that, you need to ping any app that you want. Of course, as soon as you install the app, it would be best to launch it.
  • After that, your job is to put the IP of the mobile. For example, you can enter if it is the IP address. Next, tap on the Ping or Start option.

Use command prompt:

The process is applicable with Android mobiles only. Your first task is to tap on the ‘Windows’ key plus the ‘R’ option for opening the ‘Run’ box. Next, write ‘cmd’ in lowercase letters for bringing up the command prompt. Next, you should write ‘ipconfig,’ and tap on the ‘Enter’ option after that. It offers you the machine’s IP address if it is not available.

When you go to the following line of the command prompt, you must write ‘ping’ there. After that, you should complete the IP address of the mobile to get a ping to the mobile automatically. If it is successful, both the ping and a minimum of 2-3 lines of ‘Reply from’ the address appears. Every line represents a data packet that was sent.

It is a speedy process giving the actual data packets sent to the phone, not the technical ping only. Whether you face a problem, you should try to close the PC or mobile and reboot your wireless router. The issue may be an IP address error. Hence, the process helps send a ping only, and it won’t get any details about the user’s physical location.

GPS tracking software:

It is the quickest way to find a stolen android or iPhone mobile. With the help of GPS tracking software, you can track the location of your family and loved ones. Multiple GPS tracking software is available in free and paid versions. In addition, we have given a few GPS tracking software that helps you ping the device’s location.


It is one of the effective GPS tracking apps for android and iPhone devices that help to find the device location. You can use the application for free for both android and iPhone devices. It allows you to adjust the sharing options. With the help of the latest technology, you can track the lost device’s location.

  1. LIFE 360:

This GPS tracking software lets you ping a phone to find its location. It has plenty of excellent features that help to find the lost device. Besides, it helps to track the location of your family members. Apart from this, many location tracking software is available on iPhone and Android OSs.

With the help of GPS tracking apps, you can find the live location of any device. But it is not possible if GPS is disabled on the device or you have installed fake GPS on the mobile.

Default phone mechanisms:

Take the help of the default mechanism of your mobile phone if the GPS location is disabled. It will help you to ping your mobile to find out the device’s location. Generally, android devices have a default feature called “Find My Device,” whereas iPhone devices have an inbuilt feature called Find My iPhone to track the device location.

The steps you should follow to use Find My Device are as follows:-

  • Your first task is to visit the site
  • Then, you should log in to your Google Account via Gmail details.
  • After that, while using the map, the live location of the device you want to find out will appear.
  • If you are willing, play a ringtone, delete the data, or lock the lost device remotely.

Spy Apps:

You can use a spy app to ping a mobile to know where it is. These apps are equipped with excellent and advanced features to monitor the lost mobile or that you want to track.

These enable you to use android and iPhone devices. The apps help track any person’s live location, read conversations, monitor social media chats, check browser history, record screens, listen to live phone calls & surrounding sounds, etc.

You can find multiple spy apps available in the market, allowing you to track both Android and iPhone devices.

Follow the guide to know how to ping a mobile using spy Apps.

  • Your first job is to make a new account from an Android or iPhone device.
  • After that, your task is to choose the mobile you are willing to monitor and check your call history.
  • Now, you should choose the plan as per the requirements.
  • Next, you must install the application on the device you want.
  • As soon as you complete installing, you can experience Wi-Fi or GPS data in real-time.

Ping from computer:

Taking help from the PC, you can also find out the device you have lost. Then, you should undergo the steps given here to ping mobile using a PC.

  • First, your task is to move to the “Settings” on your android phone and open it after


  • After that, your task is to click on the “About Phone” option.
  • Now, hit the option “Status,” and you should get the IP address.
  • After that, your job is to power on the computer and look for the Windows Command Prompt.
  • Next, you should open the CMD or command prompt as “Run as Administrator.”
  • Write “ping” followed by the IP address of the android device, and next, you should tap on the “Enter” option.

How to Ping a Phone in macOS System:

You can use the macOS system to ping the mobile. However, if you are willing to ping a mobile from macOS, you must follow the steps.

  • Your first job is to go to the Finder and open it on the Mac, followed by Applications. If not, you should tap on the Command and A key to get the list of apps available.
  • Tap two times on Utilities and after that on the Terminal app.
  • While opening the terminal app, you need to write ping followed by the IP address of the mobile. For example, suppose you can ping
  • You can see the results similarly to the Windows system.

How to Ping a Phone from ChromeOS systems:

Use the ChromeOS system if you are willing for this purpose. This one is a Google-developed OS available on the PlayStore in Chrome OS. However, it is beneficial if you use the default command prompt app.

  • If you are willing to open the command prompt application on ChromeOS, you should tap on the link ctrl, alt, and T keys to open it up.
  • Write ping followed by the IP address of the device. Use for pinging.
  • Tap on “Enter” to start connection tests and the results after the test.
  • Thus, you can ping a mobile from a system running Android or iOS.

Tracing the phone number details:

By tracing the details of a mobile number, you can find out the location of a sim number or a device. In addition, multiple apps can bring universal caller ID services to your mobile, enabling you to track the mobile number.

You can take the help of the famous mobile number tracking apps like True caller, Showcaller, CallApp. These allow you to check the sim card name, registered place, etc. It is beneficial in finding fraud caller, unknown caller location details, etc.

Take help from the phone’s carrier:

The last method is to take help from your mobile carrier by contacting them. As soon as you contact your mobile phone carrier company, they will help you to find out the mobile you have lost. They trace the live location using the triangulation process and find out the device.

How Can you prevent your location from being tracked?

A few people are unwilling to have their phone’s location traced. These are the ways to prevent the location from being tracked.

Power Off the GPS Location: You should disable the live location of your phone. Thus, you can vanish from live tracing software’s reach.

Power On The Airplane Mode: You can prevent your location from being tracked by enabling the Airplane mood. It does not allow the device to send signals to the closest GPS towers.

Power Off Your Phone Completely: You can power off the mobile and take out the battery. Thus, you can prevent all the software or tracking device from tracking the location.

Power Off Location Services In mobile Settings: Your first job is to move to the phone’s location settings and then disable them.

How to ping mobile location for free with a phone company?

You should know that all iPhone and Android devices come with a default trigger, and it enables you to return all data regarding location and GPS to the actual cell service provider.

An option is available under the “Location Services” tab in the settings section. The data will remain protected with the service provider until you use the service data given by your mobile provider.

While switching to another phone provider, they will have the authorization to track location and maintain its history.

Mobile companies have different phone towers around the area covered. Therefore, when you move, your mobile connects to every tower.

The companies can triangulate your position depending on the tower you join. It is vital to know that 911 operators and service station operators can access location software, enabling them to expedite operations and respond in an emergency. Therefore, these are legal processes using which companies can ping the mobile, and thus, they will know your location.

How can you ping your mobile, which has been switched off?

It is not possible to ping a switched-off phone. As soon as you power off the mobile, you cannot track your device. The reason is that the signals don’t interact more with nearby GPS towers. Thus, it stops letting other devices know where it is. In this case, you can know the last active location of the mobile.

However, a few rates cases always exist. For example, you can detect signals from any switched-off mobile in war zones using NASA technologies. However, the details of these operations remain unknown. As per a report, NASA helped previously to find out the location of people. Usually, there is no way to track a closed mobile.

How to ping a cell phone tower in ping a mobile?

If you are willing to trace the original location of the last cell tower giving the signal to the kid’s phone, you need to ping the mobile. Using a wireless carrier, you can do the job. However, it is not legal to ping a mobile phone not registered to you if you don’t approve it.

Phase 1:

You should first contact the wireless carrier’s customer service department. After that, you should go through the prompts to speak to a representative.

Phase 2:

Let the representative know about your intention to ping the phone or the mobile registered in your account.

Phase 3:

You need to verify the wireless account while asked. In this case, you need to give the representative the mobile you are willing to ping.

Phase 4:

Wait till the representative is not pinging your mobile. Then, it may give you instructions to enroll in a mobile pinging service of your wireless carrier, enabling you to ping the mobile without assistance.

Phase 5:

You should note down the pinged location as soon as it appears.

How to find a lost iPhone:

Use Find My:

Using the Find My app, you can track the location of the Apple products, and it helps to find out the mobile on the map. While using Find My, you can easily know where the mobile is, and you don’t need to ping it. However, if you know that your iPhone is in your home but do not know where it is, the pinging will help you.

Launch the Find My there if an Apple device is attached to a similar Apple ID like iPhone. Otherwise, if you are willing, sign in to and then select “Find iPhone.” If you want, select the iPhone from the list and then hit the “Play Sound” option to ping. Firstly, your device will start vibrating. After a while, it starts playing a high-pitched sound. The sound is playing continuously till you will not find your iPhone. Remember that you can stop the sound using the Find My device.

Use An Apple Watch:

Pinging becomes easier while iPhone and Apple Watch have a connection between them. It is very simple, like swiping up on the Apple Watch to the Glances mode. Choose the “ping” button available under other options such as airplane mode, do not disturb, and silent mode. It lets your mobile emit a high-pitched sound.

In addition, you can give instructions to your mobile to blink the LED by tapping the “ping” button and holding it. You may use the feature to find the mobile in a dark room.

Use Siri:

Take the help of Siri if you have any other iOS 12+ device attached to the account. It may be another mobile, iPad, PC, or Apple watch. If you are willing to use Siri, ensure that you have turned on Find My and Siri. Call Siri, and you will get a reply from her. As soon as she replies, you should say, “Siri, find my iPhone.”

Whether many devices are connected to the account, you must specify your mobile. Then, Siri will ask if you are willing to play a sound on the mobile to find out.

You should say “Yes.” Next, you will get an option to see a visual map of the location of the mobile.

From the Cloud:

If you don’t have many Apple devices, there might not exist a simple way to access Siri or the Find My app. If necessary, use a device of another person or your non-Apple device to sign in to iCloud, and it will help you to ping your missing iPhone.

If you are willing to do this, go to this site and log in using your Apple ID and password. After that, your task is to choose the mobile you are willing to find from the list of devices. Then, you should tap on the “play sound” to ping the iPhone.

Whether you have enabled the two-factor authentication and want to log in to the Apple account from an unrecognized device, you should use a 6-digit verification code to bypass the two-factor authentication.


If you have mistakenly lost your Android or iPhone, these hacks will help you find your mobile phone successfully. We hope that you will know now how to ping a phone.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Can you Ping mobile for location?

You cannot ping a mobile number directly without access to the carrier’s system, indicating that it has limitations to carriers and is within range.

  • Is it illegal to ping a cell phone?

A few federal laws are there applicable to cell phone pings. According to the regulations, you can make one thing clear tracing the mobile of someone without their permission is against the law. You can do this only in a criminal investigation or emergency 911 call.

  • Can a private investigator ping the cell phone?

As per federal law, private investigators are not allowed to monitor mobile conversations without the permission of at least one person based on the state.

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Chrome OS Flex: Upgrade Your Computer

Chrome OS Flex: Upgrade Your Computer

Chrome OS Flex is called the second generation of CloudReady. If you don’t know about OS Flex, check Neverware, acquired by Google two years ago. Neverware is a New York-based company that developed CloudReady, and it enabled the old PC versions for running the Chrome OS and extending the lifetime.

CloudReady was made upon an open-source Chromium OS base, and this one is compatible with Linux. The project is taken over by Google. But Google released the operating system or CloudReady 2.0 based on Chrome OS.

The operating system is compatible with Google Assistant and other Google services. In recent times, the OS allows you to access for free to Education and Enterprise users. If you are a general user, you can install the operating system on old Windows PCs and MacBooks. The OS Flex build offers a great experience to the users, but it is based on the Chrome OS 100.

What is Chrome OS Flex?

OS Flex is a web-based OS announced by Google very recently. It offers quick access to web apps and virtualization. This new upgrade comes with the same code base and releases cadence. However, it offers a few basic benefits over its predecessor.

Requisites to install os flex web-based operating system:

  • You should first have a USB pen drive with 8GB or more storage.
  • The PC must come with an Intel or AMDx86-64 processor.
  • 4GB is the minimum RAM that is necessary on the device.
  • The device’s internal storage needs to be 16GB or more.
  • Make sure that you have checked the system compatibility before installing Google web-based operating system.

Flash the web-based OS on a USB drive:

  • You should first install your Chromebook Recovery Utility Chrome extension.
  • It allows you to flash the web-based OS build on your USB drive.
  • Next, you are required to open your Chromebook recovery utility. Then, you should connect the USB drive and tap on the option “Get Started”.
  • Choose a model you want from a list.
  • You can see a drop-down menu appearing as soon as you choose a manufacturer.
  • After that, you should select the “Google Chrome OS Flex” option. As soon as a drop-down menu appears, you should choose ‘OS Flex’ from it. Next, you have to tap on the Continue option.
  • Choose the USB thumb drive and thereafter hit the Continue option.
  • After tapping on ‘Create now’, you can see a Chromebook recovery Utility available.

Chrome OS Flex: Ways to install on Windows, Laptop, or MacBook: 

  • When you have completed the flashing process, you should reboot the computer. Then, you should tap on the boot key. Hit the boot key continuously until you see the boot selection page.
  • Use the arrow keys to choose the USB drive on the boot selection page. Next, you are required to hit the Enter option.
  • You can see now ‘Welcome to Cloudready 2.0 screen’ appearing. After that, hit the ‘Get Started’ option. Go through the instructions on display and then login into the Google account.
  • Your job is to explore the operating system and install this on the hard drive.
  • After that, your task is to open the Quick Settings panel and tap on the Sign Out option.
  • You should tap on the ‘Install CloudReady’ option available on the bottom-left corner.
  • After that, you are required to tap on Install CloudReady 2.0 option and tap on it again. Then, tap on the ‘Install’ option.
  • Finally, you can see the operating system available on the device.

Benefits of Chrome OS Flex installation:

You can install the software on the computer and Macs to protect these. After installing this, your system will work fast and automatically update itself in the background. You can manage these from the cloud.

Quick modern work experience:

Installing the OS helps to boot quickly, update the background, and reduce your device downtime. You can quickly access the VDI and web apps using an intuitive, clutter-free, and reliable experience.

Quick deployment and simple management:

Use the USB or network deployment to deploy it across the fleet with policies and a user’s settings. If necessary, you can use the Google Admin console to adjust updates and configure device policies remotely.

Proactive security:

It blocks the sandboxing technology and executables for which you are not required to use antivirus software. The IT controls do not allow data loss on lost or stolen devices.

Make the most of existing hardware:

You need to refresh the old devices using a modern OS. Then, you should boost the lifespan to decrease e-waste.

How does it operating system work?

If you are willing to experience the OS, you should use a USB drive on the PC or Mac. Setting up the web-based OS merely takes some minutes to be finished.


  •  You need to generate a bootable Chrome OS Flex USB drive for installation.
  •  As soon as the method of creation is completed, then you should install the operating system on Windows or Mac to exchange the operating system.
  • Finally, you need to deploy the operating system to more devices through a USB drive or network deployment.

When to consider in Chrome OS Flex web-based operating system:

If you want to know about Chrome OS or accelerate cloud-first OS deployment, then the OS can make this simpler than ever.

You can use recent computing with cloud-based management. Just install the operating system and experience its benefits for Macs or PCs.

Use the modern operating system to decrease e-waste and increase the lifespan by transforming the existing devices.

You may deploy a cloud-first OS on the purpose-built hardware for kiosks or digital signage.

Adjust & protect the Chrome OS Flex fleet with Chrome Enterprise Upgrade:

With the help of Chrome Enterprise Upgrade, you can unlock the default business capabilities of the OS. You should use the Chrome Enterprise Upgrade for managing these alongside Chromebooks.

Advanced security:

It allows you to disable devices remotely and turn on the sign-in restrictions. Thus, you can keep the information protected in the right hands.

Control updates:

Use this to roll the updates out slowly or automatically with an additional option for the long-term support channel.

Granular device controls:

It helps to turn on the single sign-on and identity-free login. Besides, it is useful in configuring printers and WiFi networks.

Reporting and insights:

It can pull 7-day active metrics, OS versions, and crash reports.


Google has created Chrome OS Flex that is simple to use and download. Users can have this for free on their computers or laptops, and they merely should have a USB drive and a compatible system to run this platform.


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