Bringing Google Earth to Expeditions with Seurat

Bringing Google Earth to Expeditions with Seurat: A solution for the techno-virtual world.

Seurat is a tool originally developed by Google, to help us see the high-quality graphics or images in mobile VR systems, and is very well serving the purpose. This Seurat has been mainly developed so that it enables everybody to enjoy a view of a place of his choice in the most amazing manner that is HD manner, where you actually feel like you are standing there enjoying more of a real view than a virtual one.Its main aim is to enable the students to have a view of different places of a World Map so that it helps them know a place much better, thoroughly helpful towards the learning process and channeling it towards exploring purpose as well. We are constantly working so that this tool can be effectively utilized by schools, helping millions of students around the globe.

As this Seurat tool works only with Mobile VR Systems, so you also need to know some features about it. With Google Earth VR, you have the power to go anywhere, any place you always wanted to go to in a virtual  reality. We have enabled this sense of possibility to help People like you virtually enjoy the sightseeing of so many beautiful things that belong to the globe.

As this VR system can be easily used by any person who has a good knowledge of phones and its individual features, which is the reason why we have to use Occlusion Culling to make Google Earth VR formulate the frame rates often required on mobile VR. Because of which Seurat does the job of easing the view of already occluded scenes.

Seurat takes images that have depth in layers in an input method and delivers textured output optimizing the geometry and textures of the scene, that is it is basically a scene simplifying technology. It targets on the number of triangles and size of the texture, as having a control on the number of triangles is an important advantage for the Google Earth VR. And the reliability of the geometries a scene has a direct effect on the budget of the various other elements.

In the current time, a mobile VR only supports a 360-degree view which is usually technically referred to 3DoF as far as rotation is concerned, yet this feature has been keenly utilized by the people in the environment, giving so many better results.

Seurat is one powerful tool to help organize so many good features at one simple go, helping so many people with so many purposes at the same time. Seurat is also environmental-friendly and student friendly. The best thing remains that you will always enjoy high-end graphics with absolutely no quality issues. You can enjoy or utilize this Awesome tool by downloading it from Google Expeditions Application on android phones and also on iOS operating handsets, either in Cardboard view or a Day-dream one.

This Seurat tool was launched by Google Earth scenes in Expeditions to help so many students to experience and learn something new every time. This Seurat tool is still in progress, it is still developing. This tool is a solution for high-quality graphics as well as for a mobile VR. But for more updates, you need to keep the focus, so stay tuned.

Tags : GoogleSeurat

The author FileEdge