WatchOS 7 Adds Significant Personalization to Apple Watch

Apple may not have added a ton of features to it’s smart watch by way of WatchOS 7 but the update to Apple’s smart watch line up is nevertheless a significant one. Apple revealed WatchOS 7 at WWDC 2020 where it normally releases news of such things. At the event Apple showed off some of the new features that will sit inside it’s watch. The official version of  WatchOS 7 will only come out this fall but the beta version of it is out for developers to tinker around with. At the end of the keynote dealing with  WatchOS 7, there were not many features that will be released with the OS. However the few features that will be released have got us excited. So let’s take a look and see what WatchOS 7 has in store for us, shall we?

WatchOS 7 in a Jist:

WatchOS 7 may come with a few features but the features lined up will surely grab your attention. A new feature that will sit inside the OS is going to be a timer that automatically starts when you wash your hands. This is to ensure that you get in the needed 20 seconds amidst this period.

Apart from the hand washing countdown, Apple watch will also be able to tell you how many calories you burn when busting a move on the dance floor. But besides all these minor features, Apple’s WatchOS 7 will undergo changes that will make you reassess your use for the watch. With these changes in tow you will change the way you interact with your watch. Now you will be able to change the face of the watch so that it suits your needs and tastes more, you will also change the way you interact with the watch at bedtime.

Apple will no longer have full control over your Watch Face in WatchOS 7:

Up until now you would be able to only add one app onto your watch face. And that to from an app that was Apple. But now with WatchOS 7 you’ll be able to add more complications as well as information onto your watch’s face. Not only you but third party app developers as well. For example you can set your daily agenda, get a weather report and get a shortcut to messages all from your watch face itself.

With this new feature under the hood you’ll even be able to see multiple updates from the same app.

Track your Sleep Patterns with Latest WatchOS Update:

With this new feature in tow you’ll not only be able to track your sleep patterns but will also be able to wind down before you eventually go to sleep. Other smart watch manufacturers have had sleep tracking on their watch menu for years. With latest WatchOS update, Apple has also added the feature to the agenda.

Share Custom watch Faces with WatchOS 7:

This new feature will allow you and app developers to customize a watch face based on your needs and information layout patterns.

Tags : Apple

The author FileEdge