PHP Vs JavaScript: What’s the Difference?

Let us  discuss PHP vs JavaScript-  And know must know differences between them.

What is PHP?

It is also known as (Personal Home Page). It is an open-source Scripting language mainly used for backend development. Using this language, developers build dynamic & interactive web pages.

This Language is so popular because most of the websites use this Language. The most popular websites are Facebook, WordPress, Wikipedia, and many more. This Language is different because it’s executed on a server. This Language was developed in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf.

What is JavaScript?

It is a Scripting language mainly used for dynamic and interactive web development. You can easily add JavaScript code to HTML documents. This is the most popular scripting language for web development used by big companies like Netflix, Walmart, PayPal, and many more. JavaScript can be used for mobile and web application development to make websites interactive and User Responsive.

It’s a Client-side programming language, and it’s Efficient because it doesn’t require recompiling created in 1995 by Brendan Eich.

Php Vs JavaScript Syntax

Now, we will Compare both Programming language syntax. Well, it’s a personal choice, honestly. Because both languages have similar points, but you’ll get an in-depth Comparison so that if you are looking to start learning any one language, you can go further. Let’s know the Real Differences between these two languages, Syntax.


  • Both languages Use different types of brackets like curly, Round, Square brackets, etc.
  • Both languages can change types because both languages have any type, and if you want to check which type you’re looking for, then by calling language-specific operator, i.e., type of in JS & another have gettype
  • Arrays start with “Zero” in both languages.
  • Both languages have loop Functions, i.e., for(), but the difference you’ll see in both languages is that for (personal home page) scripting language, we use foreach()loop & for JS, we use for()loop.
  • In JS, variables are identified as “var.” local variables available in Functions or subfunctions. But in another language, this variable is determined by the “$” dollar. Inside this Language, all variables are local unless identified as global. Inside this, sub-functions are not available unless passing arguments.
  • In JS, addition and concatenation are done by the “+” sign & the other side addition is represented by “+,” & concatenation is represented by. “”
  • JS is case sensitive in both (Variables & Functions), but it is the only variable in variables.
  • No Key-Value pairs in JS, instead Use JSON string But in another side it allows both (Numeric and Associative arrays)
  • In JS, arrays and objects are similar & Interchangeable. On but other side, Arrays and objects are different with different Syntax & its thing represent with Arrow “-“

Well, after reading this article, you get a clear idea about their differences and similarities. This is a complete comparison between these two languages Syntax so that you can pick the best Language. Well Overall, in the end, it’s your preference only because there are not any significant differences between these two languages. So pick with the right and strong reasons.

Php Vs JavaScript: Which is Better?

Now we’re Comparing both languages so that you can pick the best one for you. The significant difference between these two languages, i.e., JS is a frontend language & Another one is Server-Side Language.

After reading this significant difference, you probably think that if one Language is for the front end and another for back end development, why do we need to know the difference? It’s obvious. Yes, it’s true! But after releasing Node.Js in JS, this Language can work as both side work mean JS can handle Frontend and Backend Development (or Client-side & Server Side). That’s why this difference is so important for you to understand. We’ve set some criteria to Compare both languages. So let’s begin with an In-depth Comparison of both languages:

We’re mainly focused on:

  • Coding Speed/ Easy to do Coding
  • Performance
  • Structure (Documentation)
  • Universality
  • Popular
  • Community
  • Easy to Learn
  • Security
  • Cost of Development

Let’s discuss each point with detailed Analytics of both languages & also declare the Winner at each criteria.

JS Vs Php ( Detailed Comparison)

#1. Coding Speed/ Easy to do Coding:

Php is so easy to code and use a language compared to JS. It’s easy because it has 1000 built-in Functions you can use to make Specific tasks. You can even create your Functions by giving some instructions (Set of Code).

In JS, it’s pretty tricky because of its additional features like Event Queues, HTTP request, Syntax, Operators, and many more because JS is Asynchronous.

#2. Performance

JS is also known as Event-driven, Blocking I/O, and Single thread model. This Event is given by event looping and node clustering.

The best thing about JS, it is Asynchronous. That’s why in JS, we can execute all Codes at the same time quickly without waiting for Functions. Significant benefits of using this Language for low-latency applications like Streaming platforms (Ex- Netflix etc.) Another benefit of JS is high performance by V8 Engine, Server Connectivity, and Callback Functions.

Php is Synchronous, and it is a Multi thread model. In terms of performance, it is pretty slow because in execution, after the first line of code execution, then runs the second line. That’s why it is slower than JS.

#3. Structure (Documentation)

In both languages, you should know that these languages are not User-friendly in terms of Documentation. This language documentation is for Advanced level developers, not for Beginners.

Once a teacher said the only reason he took a long time to learn javascript was its Documentation.

Overall, Both language documentation is not User-friendly for Beginners unless you’re an Advance level developer and Understand Scripts.

This time it’s a Tie.

#4. Universality

It is a Cross-Platform means both languages can be used for Web & Mobile application development.

The biggest benefit of using JavaScript is, it is a Full-stack Development language. This means you don’t need any other wording or software with only JS. You can build Web or mobile applications with front and back end. So it works with Both sides (Client-side & Server-side).

But Php is only used for Internal Development (Backend Development).

That’s why JS is far better than other languages because you can develop the front and back end quickly with this Language. The most significant benefit of Selecting JS is that you’ll become a full-stack developer.

#5. Most Popular

According to the report given by of Websites built in both languages

79% of all websites use PHP as Backend Development, and 1.2% only use JS as their backend Development. But this is we talk about backend Development.

While Considering client-side Scripting language or Front end development, JavaScript is the King. Almost 97.1% Websites client-side built-in JS. Now according to google trend analysis, JS has more search queries than another one. This is the most popular Language for both developments.

Well, overall, it’s Draw.

#6. Community

Developers love JavaScript because of one main reason. With JS, Developers can build the front and Backend of the Website quickly. This is the most popular Language – it’s everywhere, and there are so many amazing Frameworks.

So many Giant companies use JavaScript like Netflix, Linked In, Instagram, eBay, Trello, Uber, and many more.

Let’s talk about another one. It is an open-source and accessible deploy Language used by many prominent organizations like Facebook, Lyft, Wikipedia, Tumblr, and many more.

It’s open-source. That’s why it’s more flexible and Customizable. Overall, Both languages are in demand, both have their expertise and are used by so many big companies, and both have value and demand in the market.

It’s a Draw

#7. Easy to Learn

Using Php is much easier than JS. Best for Beginners with some basic knowledge, you can start writing codes.

This Language is so easy to understand, rather than Learning JS and its framework.

JavaScript for backend Development is also not difficult to learn. But it isn’t very easy. With some basic knowledge of JS, you can’t start writing a set of codes and Execute. It takes more effort to learn this Language.

#8. Security

Php is more secure than JS, and the reason behind this, its Code runs on the Server. JS code is not secure enough when run on the client-side. Both languages are Vulnerable.

#9. Cost of Development

Php language is a high-standard language maintained by a big community. It has an excellent Support Base. To start Development, you need an Analyzer, Web server, and Browser like chrome.

JS is ECMAScript open standard language.

Development cost will be the same in both languages, So it’s a clear Draw.

These are the top 9 Criteria we’ve Listed for both languages, and I hope you can pick the correct Language for you after reading these Comparisons.

Php & JavaScript (Similarities)

#1 Language Type: Both are Scripting languages. It means scripting language not compiled they interpreted. In simple terms, the Scripting language is not converted directly into machine language by compiling. Use a third party to Convert into machine language. That’s the most impact on Runtime.

#2 Typing of Variables: Both languages are Weakly typed means when you create a variable, you don’t need to assign a value because it’s assumed.

#3 Classes & Objects: Both languages are not originally object-oriented. Object orientation is added in these languages. At the initial stage, both languages don’t create objects and Classes.

Later versions added the ability to create objects and classes in PHP in 2004.

Also, JS later came with a new edition in 2015 with the ability to create classes and objects with ES6 Introduction.

#4 Documentation: For Beginners, it’s not a good thing because, in both languages, its Documentation is not User-friendly. If you’re Experienced in Development only, then you can understand both language documentation.

 JavaScript vs Php (Differences)

PHP JavaScript
  •  It’s a Server-side Scripting language
  • Mainly used for Backend Development
  • Highly Secured
  • You can Build Interactive Web Pages
  • So many Features available
  • Includes HTML
  • Best for E-commerce
  • It’s a Client-side Scripting language
  • Mainly Develop Front end
  • Have tools for More Security but need more efforts also
  • You can Build User-friendly Web pages
  • High Performance
  • Server load is less, and Less Server Traffic
  • Best for Dynamic SPAs

Php Vs JavaScript (Web Development)

Let’s compare both languages in terms of websites built using these languages. We all know, Php is intensely used for Backend Development only, and JS is used for frontend and Backend Development using HTML & CSS. JavaScript has more advantages for building Interactive Websites and Web applications.

The best examples of these Language built websites are – Facebook, WordPress, Wikipedia, and many more.

The best examples of JavaScript-built websites are – Netflix, Walmart, PayPal, and many more.

Pros and Cons of Both Languages

Php Pros &Cons


  • Using this Language is the best choice for backend Development; even you can build a Mobile application
  • You Can learn this Language in Less time.
  • This Language can run on any operating system.
  • Most web servers support this Language.


  • If you already learn this Language, It’s a Narrow profile now you need to focus on web Backend Development
  • It has only system-level and web application level safety.

JavaScript Pros & Cons:


  • This Scripting language Supported by all browsers and Integration with HTML & CSS
  • This Language can Work on web pages without any requests for Server.
  • Problems can be solved in minutes by using this Language.
  • Learning this Language is so easy. At initial, you see complications, but soon you’ll understand all logic.


  • This Language can’t detect errors early
  • it’s easy to put any malicious code in this Scripting language that may harm Users


Overall, in this article, we’ve discussed complete in-depth Details about JavaScript and Php Scripting languages. Both Comparison and benefits, Features.

JavaScript is a whole stack Development language that you can use to develop frontend and Backend quickly. Developers love to use this language because it’s easy and practical to build interfaces and Interactive web pages of Frontend and Backend. If we talk about personal home page scripting language, then it’s highly used for Backend Development.

After an in-depth Comparison, I hope you can pick the best one for you with Solid Reasons. Our findings of both languages are that This is a scripting language used for Backend Development. Another side, JS is used for both frontend and backend development (As a Full-stack Development programming language).


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The author FileEdge