Let us discuss APU Vs CPU in this blog post. Sometimes people get confused between them. But they are neither same nor perform similar functions.
Suppose you are going to buy a new computer or a new setup. Then one must know the difference between these. So that you can make intelligent choices while setting the pc.
Here, we will provide a complete and easy guide to know these and benefit from them. So, read the article till the end.
In this article, we put some light on these acronyms and their differences. Knowing about these will provide you an advantage and also help you in saving you precious money.
Without further due, let’s know them in-depth and have a clear picture of these units.
Firstly, before moving ahead, quickly understand the definitions.
What is a CPU?
It stands for Central Processing Unit. We have studied about this one in our schools. It is called the mastermind or brain of the computer as it works in processing all the main functions and executing them. All information is processed here. It is a controlling chip responsible for the execution of arithmetic, logic, or other operations. Besides, it is an excellent calculator which computes and calculates in just a few seconds. Further, it is also responsible for telling other components what they are supposed to do.
It is nothing complex but a simple chip. The processing rate differs according to the clock speed, thread count, or several cores. Previously, a single-core was only able to do a single task at a time. But nowadays, 16 core CPUs are available, which has 3GHz speed that means it can perform three billion instructions per second only.
The Central processing unit has a default factory clock; It can be overclocked to perform even more instructions per second. But sometimes, due to overclocked heat, heat is generated, which is eliminated by an external third-party cooler.
What is a GPU?
GPU stands for Graphics Processing Unit. It is crucial and responsible for rendering graphics like its name suggests, i.e., Images or videos. Also, most importantly, for gaming purposes like video games, 3D modeling, video editing, and more. If its base clock is slow, then like the CPU, it can also be overclocked.
If you are about to set up a gaming computer, GPU must comment because powerful and effective graphic cards are needed. That’s why these cards are pretty expensive. But cheap ones are also available in the market, but these are not recommended for more excellent performance in gaming.
GPU is more effective than Central Processing Unit as they process heavier loads of data in parallel. In simple words, it performs various data simultaneously and improves the performance of graphics or video.
The GPU is interfaced via PCLe ( PCI express) slot on the motherboard and via Thunderbolt 3 port, its interface with laptops or PCs.
GPU is in two forms:
#1 Integrated Graphics
#2 Dedicated Graphic Card
- Dedicated Graphic Card is not a part of the motherboard, but it is a small chip that comes in different cards; and the best part is these cards are removable, and one can upgrade them. It has its RAM, which can be customized to increase performance for graphics-related processes.
- Integrated GPU is the part of the motherboard, and it’s not removable. It doesn’t come with its dedicated RAM but uses the system RAM for operations. It means it refers to a computer where the GPU is built onto the same as the Central processing unit. So many benefits you get Inside, like Small Energy and its Efficiency. A few years ago, this Graphic had a bad reputation. But now, so many you see in recent years.
As compared to Dedicated GPU, Integrated GPU is slow.
Note: Without GPU, CPU alone is not sufficient for gaming as GPU does all the heavy lifting and renders 3d experience. Also, without a Central processing unit, GPU can’t work to a full extent. So, a combination of both is best for gaming and avoiding bottlenecking.
Therefore an average Central Processing Unit with GPU is good enough for high-level gaming purposes.
What is an APU?
It’s an Accelerated Processing Unit. It is a combination of both CPU and GPU on a sole die. Or it can also be called a Central processing unit with an integrated chip on the motherboard.
It performs both units; it serves as the Central processing unit with the basic graphic processor.
For gaming, its performance is not as effective as dedicated ones. But it is fine for some PC and Console games. Maximum performance is not gained with this.
It is a good option for budget-friendly users. It’s a good solution for rendering graphics for Pcs and laptops. And it can be overclocked as well.
It works efficiently and has capabilities of both, and also consumes less power. But the sad part is that its performance is not strong.
There are many series of Accelerated Processing Units in the market like:
- Its A-Series is an affordable option, but its potential is weakest.
- The Athlon series is better than the A-series. Work performance is average.
- And, Rayzen is strong nowadays.
At last, it’s an affordable option and power-efficient but not powerful enough for running AAA games nicely.
What makes Accelerated Processing Unit a worth buy is its low manufacturer, increased power efficiency, good performance speed, and pocket-friendly. So if you want to upgrade your PC, then go for this affordable option which falls within your budget.
APU without Dedicated Graphic Card
If your budget is tight but still wants to build gaming, then It is the ideal option. Its latest models come with quad-core processing with multi-threading and thus results in an impressive performance.
But if you need more graphical performance, then this device lacks in this regard. Also, it is an affordable option, but still, it makes you spend money on other factors.
Buy this one as per your need and preferences as it provides many benefits like dual-channel, fast-acting memory, etc.
CPU with Dedicated Graphic Card
The Central processing unit with Dedicated Graphic Card is the best combo for best and high gaming performance. But the only thing is it is an expensive option as it increases build cost.
For a greater extent of gaming, both components are needed. Some people think that only the Central processing unit is an essential component, but one can’t enjoy many games without a dedicated graphics card. GPU offers more power as it comes with its power, cooling, and memory. It is a small chip that comes separately.
APU vs CPU- How do they differ?
With the difference between them, one can more easily get a clear picture of these acronyms. Let’s see some major factors in which they differ so that you can decide clearly which one to buy.
#1.What they process
They sound similar, but actually, they differ in process. CPU processes all the arithmetic, calculations, and computation and lets other components do what they are supposed to do and receive and give direction to the command or data. Also, GPU handles all the graphics like directing or receiving data. Whereas Accelerated Processing Unit has both CPU and GPU work capabilities, it’s not as pro as the combo of these components.
#2.Power and Efficiency
Many people have only knowledge about CPUs. And we suppose it is the most powerful and effective one as it is the mastermind of the computer. But I’m reality the GPU is more effective than the previous one as all the heavy and lifting tasks are done. So, GPUs are more effective and powerful than CPUs.
Talking about Accelerated Processing Unit offers high power as it combines the two of a 2 in 1 component. It is an affordable option but does not beat the performance of a dedicated CPU and GPU.
The question must arise in your mind: what component or unit to run a computer? Or which one can single-handedly do the job?
Then the answer is GPU is not much needed for the running of the computer, or you can play some games also. But for heavy gaming and gaming to another level of experience, a graphic card is needed to provide higher-speed quality and more.
Getting both CPU and GPU will cost more. So, considering pricing, it is an affordable option and even good to play some games. Its cost differs depending on frame rates.
Similarly, if you want a more effective and powerful for Both, you need to pay more.
Overall, the Accelerated Processing Unit is much cheaper.
CPU Vs APU- How Easy is it to Upgrade?
It’s a truth that everyone wants to hold thing’s for a long time, but We can’t ignore Updates that will Come for a lifetime. Now we need to prepare for upcoming updates. But here we’re talking about Upgrading Graphic cards that can be expensive for you. Changing a graphic card is straightforward because you need to replace the graphic card with New Version.
We all know that before the release of Ryzen, It was seriously an issue. So, overall we can say that if you want to do some upgradation, then it’s a compelling Swap Process.
If we talk about the previous years, it’s tough to do this job, but now after launching Ryzen, everything changed, and Now anyone can upgrade easily. It means a lot when we add a graphic card inside the Central processing unit, but after the Ryzen game is completely changed and it’s so easy to implement a Graphic card. And you have decision capabilities to decide whether you want to update later or not.
Well, buying any processing unit depends on your needs. If you are a new baby, it’s always better to go for Accelerated Processing Unit as it’s sufficient for start and affordable. But for higher gaming needs and have enough budget, then go for both.
So as per your wallet, go for the right one which suits you. It just depends on the price and gaming needs. So decide accordingly. If you still think who wins this battle, then let me clear you – Accelerated Processing Unit is good, but it’s not for ideal gaming lovers. Still, it’s a powerful game-changer and Comes with fantastic flexibility and Time-saving.
In my choice, going for the combo as Accelerated Processing Unit will not be the right or ideal for gamers. For much better performance and experience, choose CPU and GPU.
But if you want to play games casually, then, of course, Accelerated Processing Unit is sufficient, and you can upgrade it as well.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q.1 Is APU better than CPU & GPU?
- Well, if you’re looking for typical computing, then you can say that the Accelerated Processing Unit is all you’re looking for. But if you’re looking for applications, then you need both because, as we noted, Two are better than one. For 3D animation or Gaming purposes, both are better options.
Q.2 What is the Most Powerful APU?
- Without a doubt, AMD Ryzen 5 3400G is the best and most potent Accelerated Processing Unit. With this processor, you can play almost any game without any Hitches.
Q.3 Will APU replace GPU?
- As we discussed in the Entire Article, to be summed up, we know that the Accelerated Processing Unit alone is not Fulfilled all the requirements, but Yes, we can say that It can replace GPU.
Q.4 Can an APU work with a GPU?
- 100% Yes, It can work with GPU. Even though you should know that the GPU is compatible, it is the best point of the Accelerated Processing Unit. Well, you can start with Small and wait until you’ve something big to invest in hardware.
Q.5 How much RAM does the APU use?
- If we talk about Its User’s they’re using Two 4GB memory modules that Come with 8 GB capacity. These are especially Value for Ryzen 3 2200G.
Q.6 Is 8GB RAM enough for a Ryzen?
- 8GB is enough for casual games, but I suggest you go with 16GB RAM if you’re looking for intense gaming.