
Do It Yourself

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How to Type Faster on Keyboard: Amazing tips to type faster

How to Type Faster on Keyboard: Amazing tips to type faster

In this digital age, almost all people try out typing quite often as typing has become a necessity. Gone are the days where you used to work manually without machines and computers. But, in this modern age, it’s all about computers and machines. So, typing is a must to increase your productivity and also to get your things done quicker. But most of us do not know how to type faster on keyboard.

Usually, typing faster can enable you to keep your brain sharp, and the best part is you’ll also get some good & fresh ideas as well because of your brain activity.

Generally speaking, typing is much fun when you get used to it. But, it’s a demon when you are new to typing. If you are a writer means you’ll love typing your ideas on your computer as it’s the best thing to store your creative thoughts.

Are you able to type faster to make your work faster than you usually do? Do you want to be more productive by learning how to type faster?

In that case, you’ll learn about how to type faster on keyboard in this particular post. I’ll cover how to type faster on keyboard by providing some helpful tips and techniques.

Let’s get started with How to Type faster on keyboard tips.

Type faster on keyboard tips

How to Type Faster on keyboard: 10 Amazing Tips and techniques to Type Faster

As you’re striving to know how to type faster on keyboard, these 10 Amazing tips and techniques will help you type faster. Follow these simple hacks and improve your typing speed to increase your productivity in 2020.

How to Type Faster on Keyboard Tip 1- Make your workspace and Typing Area Neat and Tidy

Making your workspace clean and tidy can help you focus on your typing. This simple hack can definitely help you to type faster. Usually, lots of people don’t believe this statement, as they believe fast typing comes when they master the keyboard.

But, the real truth is you will have to start it by making your workspace neat and tidy. Along with that, your workspace should have enough ventilation, and it should be comfortable with making you relax.

At that time, your typing speed will improve. Apart from that, for fast typing, you have to get a computer table or working table to increase your typing. Avoid using a laptop or tablet on your lap as this decreases your typing speed.

How to Type Faster on Keyboard Tip 2- Always Get Rid of Bad Typing Habits:

It’s quite apparent that a person can’t get rid of their bad typing habits at once. But, he/she can do it while they start leaving their bad habits by inculcating Good habits. Most of the people are probably using the same old typing methods since they started using the keywords.

If you are a game who loves to play games, then your fingers will be on WASD Keys, or you’ll most use arrow keys. They will get used to those keys, and they will use only two or three fingers to play them.

Later on, it will be harder for them to use all fingers for typing as they got used to it. Some people type with only two fingers or three fingers, some might hover over ten keys and leave the others. If you’re one of them then, stop that way right now. Just practice to use all the fingers to type; at the start, it’ll be harder for you, but you can break that habit in the process.

How to Type Faster Tip 3- Always fix your posture while typing:-

If you’re striving to type faster, then you should have a correct position. The proper seating posture will help you type more quickly. The perfect pose for typing is “Keep your back straight and keep your legs planted a little apart and flat on the ground in your sitting position.

Make Sure; your wrists are postured in a way that your fingers can cover all the keyboard. Ensure your head is comfortable, you can tilt it a bit so that you can see the screen properly.

You can adjust your chair so that you’ll be able to get a perfect posture to type. In case your chair is uncomfortable for seating, then you should replace it to increase your typing speed.

How to Type Faster on Keyboard Tip 4- Properly hold your posture:

It’s always vital to maintain your position while typing. This can help you type faster, this is, in fact, the best typing tips from expert typers as well. When you ensure your posture is right, you can avoid getting aches on your wrists.

Usually, aches can slow you down and keep you out of your rhythm very soon. So, avoid getting pains on your wrists and keep your back & Shoulders from hunching, make sure to sit up straight. Because of following these steps you’ll be relaxed. This can accomplish your goal to work faster by typing faster.

How to Type Faster Tip 5- Accustom yourself with the keyboard:

As you are striving to learn how to type faster on keyboard? The prime set you have to do is accustom yourself to the keyboard. You have to adapt the keyboard in such a way that you can use it to type faster. The best thing for you is most of the modern-day keyboards are with the same layout.

So, you don’t have to worry about that. The QWERTY layout keyboard is a regular keyboard.

Work on reminding all the keyword positions because this can help you type faster. Most of the people just memorize Alphabets, numbers and leave the punctuation marks. But, those are vital for fast typing as well. You have to understand everything where they are without looking at the keyboard properly.

How to Type Faster tip 6- Remind Keyboard Keys by closing your eyes:

Most people think this as waste or childish point. But, it works perfectly, so you have to try it out. Whenever you close your eyes and remind all the keyboard keys. Try out saying them loud by pressing them; this can help you know the touch.

Type faster on keyboard tips

Simply, touch a letter or number and pronounce that key as you touch them and see if you said it right or not. If you said it right, then you are good to go with typing. In case you didn’t know, it means you have to re memorize the keyboard again.

How to Type Faster tip 7- Start Touch typing slowly:

To enhance your typing speed, you need to develop that skill. At the start, no one can master typing as you should get accustomed to it. By slowly touch-typing the keyboard, you can become a high-speed typist.

This touch typing is one of the quickest ways to master typing. If this type of typing is the first time means you have to spend a bit more time on it to learn. Then slowly, you will pick up the speed. If you can remember keys and touch them without seeing the keyboard, you can definitely increase your typing speed.

At the start, this typing method might seem like a demon to you, but you can improve as time progresses.

How to Type Faster on Keyboard tip 8- Stick with Typing and Don’t look at your hands:

You have to follow this step as its the essence to make you type faster. If you can stick with typing by not seeing your hands means you can master typing. As you can improve your fingers movement and learn how the keys work.

At the start, you might find it harder, but it will increase your speed. Stick to it and see the results when you master the art of typing. You can reach high typing speeds with this step.

How to Type Faster tip 9- Use All 10 Fingers to Type Faster:

Most people never use 10 fingers to type, that’s why their typing speed will be on the lower side. If you want to type faster, you have to use all ten fingers.

Generally, if you take a look at your keyboard, you will be noticing a raised keys in form of  “F key” and J key. This is to help you find the correct placement.

So, it’s always best to rest your index fingers on F and J keys. Because of that, other fingers will automatically fall into the perfect placements. Use your little finger to control the punctuation, navigation and function keys.

In case, if you’re confused in getting my words you can check sites like Typing web and typing club to take lots of typing suggestions with videos and screenshots. The typing programs found on these websites help you type faster.

How to Type Faster tip 10- Practice until you succeed:

There is a say, that practice makes a man perfect. Follow that to master the touch typing technique, in case if you are uncomfortable with that technique you can use other techniques by using your 10 fingers.

Although mastering touch typing technique will prove to be a finicky aspect but once you get in touch with it you will not leave that.

Practice it daily until you get both speed and accuracy as well. With continuous efforts, you can improve your type of speed.

How to Type Faster tip 11- Practice Dictation: 

  • Generally, if you don’t know what to type you I’ll certainly be blank. If you’ll be a blank minded means you I’ll lose your typing practice. So it’s best to practice dictation while typing by listening to others. This improves your speed and accuracy as well.

You can even get a book or other talk show and type the word’s you listen to improve your typing speed.

Monitor your typing progress: 

As you are striving to type faster, you should monitor your typing progress so that you will be motivated to work more.

It is always important that you don’t get your result in a negative way, as at the start you’ll be like that. Slowly you can improve and Master typing skill. You can even check how many words you are typing for a minute and up the count by gradually improving the numbers.

Get training if you need to Know How to Type Faster on Keyboard:

If you want to get trained by a professional institute then you can enroll in any typing course but mostly it won’t be required because there are hell a lot of online typing tools.


This is all about, how to type faster on keyboard post. With these tips and techniques you can type faster. After reading this article you can go and start practicing typing.

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Add Video to Google Slides to Entertain Your Audience

Add Videos to Google Slides to Entertain Your Audience

A video always makes for a more powerful presentation. It provides a required break in the normal flow of a presentation and generally makes thigs more entertaining. Hence many powerful presenters opt for a video to make their presentations more dynamic. So how do you hold your audience’s attention? We’re here to tell you how to add video to Google Slides. There’s always the option of pausing the video mid-stride and looking for the video elsewhere. This is not a good option if you catch my drift. Plus it won’t make you look good too. So the easiest way then is to place it in the slides itself. Believe me; it’s easy enough to do so too.

If you’re presentation is unusually long, and you don’t want to lose your audience mid- way then the best option is an aptly placed video. In this article, we’ll be showing you just how you can do that.

There are options when you place your video to your Google Slides. You can have it play automatically as soon as the slide comes up and even stop it at certain intervals if you’d like to add a point or two. So without further ado, sit back and relax as we take you through the steps involved in adding video to your Google Slides.

Add video to Google Slides:

YouTube has become a library, of sorts, for videos. So it’s more likely that you’ll find that you need a video or two from there. This then becomes easy. Most of the legal work already done for you. It becomes a simple, emphasis on the simple, case of adding video to your Google Slides and Presto! You’re done.

You can even tweak it a bit to make it more to your liking. Here’s how you can add videos to your Google Slides using YouTube…

The first step requires you to go to the slide you wish to place the video in and select insert. Once there choose the option of video.

On the other side, go on to YouTube and look for the video you want. Once you’ve selected the one that best matches your presentation, double click the video or press “select” at the bottom of it to get it into your slide.

If you already happen to know which video you want by URL. Just select the option of placing the video by URL. Copy and paste the URL into the given area, and you’re done. In case you don’t know where the URL is- it is present in the top bar of the web page.


Have your own Video? No Worries follow these Simple steps to add video to your Google Slides:

The roundabout route involves uploading the video to YouTube and following the steps mentioned above. If that’s not your thing, which for most isn’t, then keep on reading…

The other step involves uploading the video first and then letting Google Slides know where you’ve uploaded it to. Since Google Drive and Google Slides are connected, thankfully at that, you can first upload your presentation to Google Drive first and then begin. To upload the video onto Google Drive, follow the following steps….

Click the new button in Google Drive. Then click the file upload button. Or you can always go the drag and drop way.  Once this is done, go on back to Google slides and press insert, then followed by video. Choose Google Drive at the top of the options list. Once this is done, you’ll see all the videos present in Google Drive.  Just select the one you want by double-clicking and your video will be in your slides. It may, however, take some time to get there. But in the end, get there it does.

Cases where you’ve received the File from Someone:

In cases where you’ve received a file from someone else instead of choosing the drive option in the insert, choose the shared with me tab. Then it’s pretty much the same from there.

Getting your Video Slide ready:

If you just place the video in the presentation as – is then you’ll have to manually play the video when the slide comes up. And if that’s alright with you, then you’re done. If not then continue reading on further…

However, there are still some points that can make your presentation a little more put together. Right-click on the video that you’ve placed on your slide to get to video options. You’ll then see a bar on the right that will have several options. This first option has a start and ends time if you’re not keen on playing the entire video. This allows you to play a video say from the middle to somewhere to the end if that is most appropriate to your presentation.

The second option is to press autoplay. This will make the presentation play as soon as you get to the slide. This is so that you don’t have to manually press “play” on the video when the slide comes up and break the flow of your presentation.

The other option is to mute the audio so that you can provide the voice over instead.

Once all the options are selected, you may want to play the video again to ensure that everything is working as it should.

Be Smart While add video to your Google Slides:

Now, since you know how to add videos to your presentation, you’ll look smarter while doing it. Not only that, it adds a particular pizzaz to your presentation skills. Your audience will be noticeably intrigued by your work.

You now know how to place any video into your Google Slides presentation, be it form YouTube or your own. Besides this, you also have learned how to tweak your video a bit to make it just right for your presentation. Hope you find these tips to add video to Google Slides useful and here’s to happy presenting!! Cheers!

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How to Share Your Wi-Fi Password with a QR Code in Android 10

How to Share Your Wi-Fi Password with a QR Code in Android 10

In this modern world, we all love cool stuff which will amaze us. We like to share things on our phone to our friend’s phone and do lots of crazy things. Do you know, How to Share Your Wi-Fi Password with a QR Code in Android 10. Now, if you love to get some cool tricks on tech means you will enjoy this QR code trick in Android 10.

Android 10 is having a unique capability to share your Wi-Fi  password with a QR Code. Most of you might be amazed by what I have said. But it’s true, if you are techie means, you will know about these easily.

Now if you are running your phone on Android 10 means, you can quickly share your WI-FI network with your friends and family with a secured and handy QR code.

Most of you might be stuck with a question that how to share your Wi-Fi password with a QR code in Android 10 and some might even think that to access Wi-Fi  another person should also have Android 10 or not? If you are struggling with these types of questions, then don’t worry.

I have got you covered in this post on how to share your Wi-Fi password with a QR code in Android 10.

Let’s dive into the questions:

To access, should another person must have Android 10?

To access shared Wi-Fi other person doesn’t have to be running on Android 10 OS. So, it is one of the coolest features in Android 10.

The best thing about these features is you can even share this QR code with iPhone users as well.

Now, by listing this most of you might get excited right?

You should be because this is one of the ravishingly fastest ways to share your Wi-Fi  password.

By, using this method you can share your Wi-Fi with your friends without sharing your original Wi-Fi  passwords. There are some times we often keeping our passwords as the combination of our dear ones and we don’t want to share those with others. In that case, this Wi-Fi QR Code technique will come into place.

So, let’s find out how to share your Wi-Fi password with a QR Code in Android 10.

How to Share Your Wi-Fi Password with a QR Code in Android 10:

Follow the below steps to learn how to share the Wi-Fi  password with QR code on Android 10.

Step 1: Firstly Get the QR CODE:

The first thing you have to do for this is to get the QR Code ready. For that, you have to open your smartphone which is running Android 10. Then click on the settings app and head over to the “Network & Internet” option.

  • After that, tap on the word “Wi-Fi.”
  • Now click on the “Wi-Fi.”
  • Then select your current Wi-Fi network from the list of connections.
  • Remember this works for your current network.
  • So, tap on the “Share” Button which has an icon that looks like a QR Code.
  • Then you will be notified to Enter your PIN Code or even ask you to scan your fingerprint.
  • You have to complete that process — After that, your QR code will be revealed.

Now, you are good to start sharing QR Code.

Step 2: Share your Wi-Fi Password:

As you have generated your Wi-Fi password, now is the time to share your Wi-Fi  password with your friends. This process can be done within seconds.

All you have to do is ask your friend to scan your QR code to connect to your current Wi-Fi Network.

If your friends are using Google pixel phone or iPhone means they can simply open their camera app and the phone will automatically be connected to your network because those phones can recognize the QR code as soon as its view the Code. Just scan them they will be connected within a second.

How your friends can scan QR Code:

Most of you might get the same question as my friends asked me. That how your friends can scan the QR Code. If you are facing that question means, say the below process.

If they are using different Android phone means they will not have a built-in QR Scanner functionality and features like Google Pixel and iPhone.

So, they have to download a QR Scanner App. There are the number of third-party QR scanner apps hovering over the internet.

You can use one of them to complete the scanning process and get connected to the Wi-Fi  network.

If you want to consider our recommendation, then we recommend — Kaspersky Lads — QR code reader and scanner. It’s good it’s fast and its reliable app.

  • Now, after downloading the app install the app and open it.
  • Then just point their camera at the QR Code screen.
  • Within seconds, they can connect with your current Wi-Fi

That’s it; we hope you all enjoyed this cool trick from Android 10. It is just of the cool feature of Android 10 you can see hell lot of features in the near feature. That’s everything about how to share your Wi-Fi password with a QR code in Android 10.

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Do It Yourself

How to wipe your Computer clean before you Sell It

How to wipe your Computer clean before you Sell It

You’re planning to sell your old computer, so you have to delete all your old files. But wait a minute it’s not as simple as you think. You can’t simply dump all your old files into the recycle bin and say done. That’s not really How to wipe your Computer clean. It takes a little more than that but we’ve got you’ve covered.

You don’t need any Jason Bourne stuff either. When you sell your computer you need to make sure it’s back to factory settings and as good as new, well minus that it has been used. You don’t want anybody strolling through your stuff later on, now do you?

The process How to wipe your Computer clean has gotten a lot easier of late and if you have decent internet speed and a little time to spare, then wiping your computer clean is easy.

Before we start you might want to get an external hard drive to transfer all your old stuff to. Just in case you’ve deleted something you wanted Windows and Apple, macOS to be specific have got you covered. In Windows you have a built in back up facility and in Apple you have an app called the Time machine.

How to Wipe your Computer clean in Mac:

First things first get rid of your old iTunes account. Go into account authorizations once on the application and press deauthorize this computer. Next iCloud is on the list. Go into system preferences and then iCloud and press the sign out button. Just remember to press no when asked if you want a backup of your data on the computer.

Next the messages app- go on to the app and press on the word messages and then preferences. Once there press on accounts and highlight it and then press the minus button to remove them.

Open the finder window and highlight Macintosh HD and hit cmd-i. Once you’ve done all this shut down the computer and start it up again and immediately press and hold on the command and R. Do this till you see the Apple logo or a spinning Globe.

You’ll get a macOS utility page open. Once there open disk utility. Then press view and show all devices. Here you have to be careful and select Apple SSD or whatever is the top most option. It may be known by a different name.

Highlight the option and press erase. You’ll be then prompted to give a new name, format and scheme. You can name it “Macintosh HD”. Normally Disk HD will choose a format for you but if not you can choose either MacOS Extended or APFS. As for scheme you can choose “GUID Partition Map” and finally click erase.

Once you’ve got all that covered you can quit Disk Utility and in macOS Utilities choose “Reinstall macOS”. Then you just have to follow the instructions till its gets the system going.  And that’s how to wipe your computer clean before selling it.

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Ways to Build Your Own Retro Game Machine

Ways to Build Your Own Retro Game Machine

Some industries only get better with age just like the wine. The gaming industry is almost 30 years old and is still going strong. Many started with the Sonix or Super Mario currently we are dealing with the motion sensor games. There are many projects of games which one can think of. The best part is that you can create your own retro game machines now a days and have it the way you like. With little skills and technology in mind, you can create your own retro game machine and there is no need to hop from one shop to another to get your retro game machine.

There are many ways which one can use or apply in the daily life in order to create a retro game machine

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Do It Yourself

How to Add Wi-Fi to Your Old DSLR Camera -FileEdge

How to Add Wi-Fi to Your Old DSLR Camera -FileEdge

WLAN retrofit to remote control your DSLR via Wi-Fi and transfer data, offers numerous advantages. You need fewer cables, can see your pictures immediately on the smartphone and do not have to go through the PC. We will show you how to do it.

WLAN retrofit is worthwhile. This allows you to wirelessly control your DSLR via Wi-Fi, and conveniently access data from the camera. If you already have a modern SLR or current mirrorless DSLM, you should already benefit from integrated WLAN. But how can photographers retrofit WLAN with their old camera and also enjoy this comfort? Read on.

Wi-Fi to Pentex

WLAN retrofit: Wi-Fi cards for DSLR and Co.

To Wi-Fi the fastest with a DSLR retrofit, Wi-Fi memory cards are available to play the game. These are special SD cards, for example from Toshiba, Transcend and Eye-Fi, which build a WLAN hotspot. And view and copy JPEG and RAW files on the memory card.

This works quite well now and needs only less technical knowledge. However, WLAN memory cards also contain a few disadvantages. Starting with the price, which is several times higher than with regular SD cards. In addition, these models boast no speed at all: in the laboratory, the fastest card reaches a maximum write rate of less than 20 MB per second. For huge RAW files and serials, it is therefore hardly recommendable. But if you have two card shafts flashing in its camera, you can use this card to store smaller JPEGs.

Wi-Fi Adaptor

Nikon and Canon DSLR: WLAN professional upgrade

The WLAN solutions from Nikon and Canon work more quickly and professionally. For the manufacturer’s DSLR range, special WLAN adapters are launched, which plug into the USB port or even function as a battery grip.

The WLAN adapter Nikon WU-1a for the four-digit D-series and a handful of Coolpix cameras beats about 50 euros. The WU-1b for the D600 and D610 as well. The official compatibility list can be found here. If a Nikon D800, D4S or a Canon EOS its own, must be much deeper into the pockets. The Canon WFT-E5 facilitates photographers around USD 533, the Nikon WT-4 even around USD 686 euros. This is probably only for very ambitious hobby and professional photographers.

Wi-Fi Adapter for Canon and Nikon DSLRs:

Price wise between the CamRanger settles itself and also connects via USB connection to current DSLRs of Canon and Nikon. The functionality of the Wi-Fi app makes the CamRanger an interesting partner for demanding photographers. Users are given access to virtually all important setting options – from exposure to white balance to ISO sensitivity, or entire HDR series. For this, the Wi-Fi app can score with professional features such as a histogram as well as an over- and under-exposure warning. The camRanger transfers the photos taken directly to the PC, smartphones and tablets. The CamRanger is compatible with all current Canon and Nikon DSLRs.

DSLR Dashboard: CamRanger in house

If you have some technical understanding, you can build your own CamRanger and much cheaper. The WLAN router TP-Link TL-MR3040, which you connect to the camera via USB, serves as the basic module. Replace the factory firmware with the open-source firmware OpenWRT. Then configure the WLAN function to your liking. Now you need the control software “DSLR Dashboard” for PC, Android or iOS and plug into the WLAN of the router. Once connected, you can remote control the camera and transfer pictures wirelessly using your Wi-Fi.


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Do It Yourself

How to Setup Your Own Personal Cloud Storage – File Edge

How to Setup Your Own Personal Cloud Storage – File Edge

The cloud storage is awesome, as far as flexibility for users is concerned. But many companies have abdominal pain, to give sensitive data into foreign hands. Own Cloud Storage is a handy opensource alternative that allows companies to build their own Cloud Storage on their servers.

Whether the data is with Apple, Google, Microsoft or the Telekom, companies are difficult to outsource sensitive data to cloud offerings. The flexibility that can be achieved is exactly what companies want; Only the security conscience is registering. Those who prefer to build their own Cloud Storage instead can do it with own Cloud. Our DIY Mode has set itself the goal of building a cloud on its own servers.

Make users happy

With own Cloud the benefit for the user is in the foreground. Cloud back and forth, is more interested in the synchronization of files, appointments and addresses. We show you what you need for own Cloud as you discover the software.

Cloud Storage Seagate

Checklist: You need this for own Cloud Storage

The requirements for own Cloud are not particularly high. A standard server environment with Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP is sufficient for the start.

Currently own Cloud is available in three versions: Community, Business and Enterprise. For the first experiments, the Community Edition does it, in professional use, there is the Enterprise with the best support as well as the possibility to operate several own Cloud instances side by side. There are also clients for OS X, Linux and Windows for building the cloud, which is available for Linux and Windows. They are also going to introduce useful apps very soon.

Cloud Storage Server with standard tools

Setting up own Cloud is not rocket science it is easy if you follow our DIY, but if you’re looking for a simplicity like Dropbox, this is wrong. On a naked Windows Discover the latest info on Windows 10! Or Linux does not run the software. Apache 2, PHP as well as a MySQL database are necessary. Get the current Own Cloud package and unpack it. Then copy the directory “own cloud” into the web server directory, usually / var / www. In order for the configuration to work, the user under whose account the web server is running must also have the apps, config and data directories. This can be done with chown -R www-data: www-data / var / www / own cloud / install / x, where for x once apps, config and data must be specified. “Www-data” is, for example, the owner of the webserver under Ubuntu.

own cloud storage

Cloud Storage: Fine settings for Apache

If you are using Apache, you should then switch on .htaccess. To do this, open the / etc / apache2 / sites-enabled / 000-default file in an editor, find the entry “AllowOverride” and set it to “All”. After that restart Apache and it can go with the actual configuration.

Perfect setup: Cloud Storage in your server room

With Cloud, admins can easily tack the configuration via a browser. We help with the first setup steps.

If the device has worked as described, the own Cloud interface should be available after restarting Apache at http: // localhost / owncloud. If the installation did not work out completely because a PHP module is missing, own Cloud also shows the same. On this first visit, you must assign a username and password. This will be the admin account for ownCloud. After the “Advanced” drop-down menu, you can explicitly specify the data directory for own Cloud, ie / var / www / owncloud / data; You must enter the access data for the database. If MySQL users and password, then ownCloud itself can create the appropriate database. Now you can register and make the first configuration steps.


The makers of  Cloud have a sense of humor, after the first login you can see that everything is still empty and you should now upload something quickly. However, they have set a hurdle and limited the file size for uploads to 2 MB. You can change this directly in the file php.ini via the PHP values post_max_size and upload_max_filesize. Important: Apache must be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Users create and updates

For a basic function test, the admin can now himself upload a few documents and check the clients. In a second step, however, a few test users should also be created. To do this, click the gear wheel at the bottom left of the window and select “User”. Via “Create” you can create new accounts. By the way, you can limit the storage space for users using the “Standard Quota” option. It is also important that you keep your own Cloud up-to-date. You simply need to download the latest version, unpack it and install it over the old version. Important: Leave the two folders / config and / data untouched, because your settings and data are there. On the next login own Cloud will update automatically.

OwnCloud Cloud Storage: advantages and disadvantages

All the advantages of the cloud combined with the security of your own server, that sounds good. In practice, however, it is not so easy, because you also give away a few advantages of real Cloud Storage offers.

The advantages of own Cloud are obvious: Companies can operate a powerful sync service in their own server room. At the moment, there are clients for Windows, Linux and OS X, and mobile apps are set to start soon. You can force encryption on your own Cloud or use a file diversion.

Scalability is not self-evident

The great thing about Cloud Storage offers is that you can scale very well. You suddenly need twice as much memory because they have two major new projects? No problem, simply choose the cloud provider with the doubling and already the memory space is available. If you run your own Cloud Storage, you have to take care of it yourself. Even flexible payment options, such as “pay per use”, of course, is not with your own Cloud Storage. The third disadvantage is that companies keep control over their data, so they must also ensure their own security for our business area. Whether the company is just as good as a professional Cloud Storage provider, is questionable.

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